Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Kesedihanku by Sammy

sepinya hari yang ku lewati
tanpa ada dirimu menemani
sunyi ku rasa dalam hidupku
tak mampu ku tuk melangkah

masih ku ingat indah senyummu
yang selalu membuatku mengenangmu
terbawa aku dalam sedihku
tak sadar kini kau tak di sini

engkau masih yang terindah
indah di dalam hatiku
mengapa kisah kita berakhir
yang seperti ini

masih ku ingat indah senyummu
yang selalu membuatku mengenangmu
terbawa aku dalam sedihku
tak sadar kini kau tak di sini

engkau masih yang terindah
indah di dalam hatiku
mengapa kisah kita berakhir
yang seperti ini

engkau masih yang terindah
indah di dalam hatiku
mengapa kisah kita berakhir
yang seperti ini

hampa kini yang ku rasa
menangis pun ku tak mampu
hanya sisa kenangan terindah
dan kesedihanku

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

You Are The Reason for All This!

You were the reason why I smile when remember you. You were the reason why I study hard, so I will win in the mark from you. You were the reason why I went to school when I was in the JHS. You were the reason why I always miss you in every second of my life. You were the reason behind each of my status and notes. You were the reason why I post many photos of you and save some your photos. You were the reason why I always feel excited in every conversation about you. You were the reason why I want to be a better person. You were the reason why I`m still loving you till now... You were all the reasons!

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

The Best Phase of Teenagers

SMA, ya masa yang paling disukai anak muda. Di masa inilah mereka akan mulai menemukan jati diri dan sejatinya. Masa ini pula yang akan menentukan masa depan dan akan menjadi apa mereka di masa depan.

Tapi... meski masa ini adalah penentu masa depan kita nanti seperti apa, tapi gak baik dan gak berkesan juga kalau di masa ini kita cuma belajar mulu. SMA tak akan pernah terulang untuk kedua kalinya, sebab itu, buatlah masa ini menjadi berkesan. CINTA!

Bubuhkan setitik cinta pada masa ini. Cinta akan membuatnya semakin berkesan dan berwarna. Secupu apapun, serajin apapun, sepintar apapun kamu kalau gak kasih bubuh cinta pada SMA, sama aja NOL!

CINTA itu ada yang pahit dan manis, a bitter sweet of love. Tapi, keduanya itulah yang juga akan membuatmu lebih baik di masa depan dalam hal asmara.
Kalo aku nih, yaaaaaap! SMA aku SINGLE, tapi SINGLE ku single happy. Sebenernya bukan aku tidak membubuhkan cinta, tapi cintaku yang SMA ini sedang sangat pahit. Jadi, daripada aku terus menerus dalam kepahitan cinta ini, it's gonna be better kalau move on.

Sahabat dan Teman! Aku masih punya mereka. Mereka selalu membuatku bahagia, tertawa dan ceria. Entah, setiap kegiatan yang aku lakukan bersama mereka selalu menyenangkan dan punya cerita tersendiri. And it such a gift for me :)

Intinya ni yaa, Jangan buat masa SMA-mu suram atau tidak berkesan atau tidak berwarna. SMA tak akan pernah terulang untuk kedua kalianya, bro

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

That photo shows you, ehmm my togetherness with my lovely 9C. Yaah, that's right. It's been almost a year I don't get that togetherness anymore. We had separated because we are studying in the different school now. For high school of course.

But, too much memories in my mind about them. Though it's almost a year, I can still feel and see the rush, the happiness, the cheerfulness and many others about that class. Include, I can see the people inside. 9C is too precious for me. At that place, I found love, I found a friendship, I found experiences, I found new stories and I found a new principle for me.

The shadow of togetherness still haunts my mind, my brain and my life. Yes, I love that place so fucking much. I love the people inside. I love all the activity we did at that time. 9C is the most famous class in my school. Too many stars inside there :)

The sense of the togetherness can still be felt, seen and fought! 

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Admiring You!

You have a sharp sight. You're cute at thinking. You are a serious person. I love the way you catch an opportunity in the narrowness. You have much knowledge and You're a good person. You are good at games. You are a simple person, though your parents are rich. You are a humble person. But, you are a shabby person too. You like to disturb your friends in the seriousness. Hmm, You are not only dreaming, but also doing. You are not silent, you give an opinion. You don't like to cheat and you want to do all by yourself, and it's good because you have a wise and good principle. You are a selfish person but not at all. You love your family so much. I don't know how to write longer about you. You are too difficult to be described! But, be my friend forever, mate. I love to be your friend. I don't listen the haters, I don't listen people who mock us. Because I have a principle too. Wish, God will gives a success way for us to our future.

Waiting in HESITANT

It has been a long time I resisted for love embodied a hope. But, I think I just waited, all the feeling has been lost. Now, I realize, I wait for a love that never came. So, why I have to wait longer for you if you don't love me anymore. In the past you're everything for me, in the past you're the only one in my heart. But, now I understand, I don't have to wait for an equal love

SMADA League is rocking now!

Guuuuuuuuuuyysss!! I have a new story to be wrote in my blog! Yes, its about sport!! Nowadays, my school, smada is conducting smada league! Yes, thats a football competition inter-class in my school. The game started at January, 7th 2012! And my class became the first class vs 11 P1 in the opening!! Woxooo

The game was so fun! The game was so interesting and the supporters were screaming!!! Yeaah, idk but people love this event so fuckin much. But, ehmm.. my class got their defeat against 11 P1. Hmm the score was so bad, 4-0 for them!! Ouuuuuh, but its okay :DDDD

There are some other competitions have been waiting us. We must be better in the next game, swear! And today (january 7th) the games were so coooooool!!!!

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Waiting for Hesitant --> Kill You Inside

I've fallen in love of course. That's an usual feel of human. Yeaa, guys love girls, and girls do so. I have a love, and my love is a girl. She was so wonderful, she was so beautiful and she was so attractive person I've ever known in the love life. I had broke up with her, and it had happened in 2010. But, I still have a love for her and I can't lie to myself.

Now, she got a new guy. And she is happy now, maybe. I can't to hoping for her anymore. I mean, I don't want in this situation, HESITANT. It feels like, bad, kill me inside. And don't give me a result. So why the fuck I have to be always in that? I no need to be that. I just can feel, sadness, worries, crazy! I gotta move on and change. To be better. but it doesn't mean with a new girl.

Friends! Yeaaa! They are always there for me. They can make me happy always. And fool me if I prefer choose that foolish! I don't even get any happiness, haha damn :@
Nah, Friends, partying, hunting, shopping, hanging out with them always have a different beautiful story :)

Anw, when y're single, you can do anything as much as you want. You don't need to worry about something silly. You are single it means you MUST be happy. Friends, always there for you. Don't too much think about love in the hesitant situation. They have no certainty!

Mempelajari "MANDIRI" dan "SENDIRI"

Anak-anak, yaa mereka identik dengan penurut dan tidak mengerti apa-apa ketika berada diluar lingkungan mereka. Dan yang akan selalu dilakukan adalah mengikuti orang dewasa atau orang tuanya. Ya, mereka begitu karena mereka belum mengerti apa-apa dalam dunia ini.
Bagaimana kalau anak itu tumbuh menjadi remaja baru, bukan anak-anak. Apakah mereka akan bertingkah sedemikian rupa? Hmm I dont think so.

An, that kid is me! Hahahahahaha
Okey, sekarang aku adalah remaja SMA berusia 16 tahun! Banyak yang mengatakan outside remaja tapi inside anak-anak. Jelas, itu tidak bisa aku terima! Selain menghilangkan itu dengan cara bertingkah no childish, aku melakukan sesuatu yang yaa, kalau dulu aku selalu tidak bisa melakukannya.

Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ini memaksaku untuk belajar mandiri dan melakukan sendiri tanpa petunjuk orang tuaku. Maksudku, ehm... kita benar-benar belajar dari NOL! Dari tidak tau apa-apa hingga menjadi tau apa-apa. Bisa dibilang hal ini mudah dan "apaan gitu doang!" bagi sebagian orang, tapi tidak denganku.

Dan yang akan aku lakukan adalah BERTAHAN DI LUAR KOTA SELAMA 1 HARI PENUH tanpa siapapun aku kenal dan bantuan dari teman/orang tua. Hahaha it sounds weird right?! But, sooner or later I will do it, mate.
Yap, aku berencana untuk pergi ke suatu kota, sendiri, without anyone. Dari situlah, aku akan sngat dituntut untuk bertahan 1 hari penuh di kota itu. Dari berangkat sampai pulang. Dan disitu aku harus bertahan, mau ini harus gimana dulu, mau itu harus gimana, pokoknya semua mandiri dan sendiri. Hmmm yaa, itu hal yang menantang bagiku!

Learn how to survive in the new age goes to adult is very required!! :)

Thanks for reading! :)

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

New Year 2012!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 EVERYONE!!!!! Yep, we are in the new year now, 2012!
And a moment ago, a whole world were helding the celebration by their own ways :)

Last nite, I spent the last time in 2o11 with Irfan, Cynthia, Dherta, Tata and Dimitri by singing together in NAV. Nah I planned at 7 oclock at there, so we can sing 2 hours long. It would be nice before the RAIN CAME!!! Oh Damn Goosh!! We gotta wait for the rain stop. and finally the rain stopped at 8.30 PM :o

Yeee, we went to cynthia's home soon! Tata n dimitri were there already, I came, Irfan came, and we together picked dherta up. after that, we went to NAV to sing. Hmm there was no small room. So we booked in the medium and we paid about Rp 180.000 to sing 2 hours long. No problem, the point is I and Irfan can make it comes true. This is Irfan's dream n me. Hahaha

At the room, we were singing together, we were happy, no sad, no worries, no bad side. We were happy at all :) We planned to go to downtown after that.
Anw, though our voices were not good enough, that was not a problem, xoxoxo :))
We sang only 1 hour 30 minutes, because we gotta went to downtown and watch the fireworks and meet the other friends who have been waiting for us. Outside NAV, we saw people, people and people were walking together went to downtown. I saw no cars, no motors and no vehicles in the street. I heard trumpets sound everywhere.

We met the other friends and we were waiting for 00.00.. and........................

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!! 00.00
The fireworks began, they were so beuatiful, sweet and colorful in the sky :)

The Fireworks

I saw it with Irfan only, because we had lost from the others. The fireworks had been helding about 45 minutes. After that, Irfan and I saw the others and we gathered together.
We were happy happy at the last time of 2011!

Cheering :))

We made a lot of good wishes for 2012, and I no need to write them down here, hehe
Happy New Year All!!!