HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 EVERYONE!!!!! Yep, we are in the new year now, 2012!
And a moment ago, a whole world were helding the celebration by their own ways :)
Last nite, I spent the last time in 2o11 with Irfan, Cynthia, Dherta, Tata and Dimitri by singing together in NAV. Nah I planned at 7 oclock at there, so we can sing 2 hours long. It would be nice before the RAIN CAME!!! Oh Damn Goosh!! We gotta wait for the rain stop. and finally the rain stopped at 8.30 PM :o
Yeee, we went to cynthia's home soon! Tata n dimitri were there already, I came, Irfan came, and we together picked dherta up. after that, we went to NAV to sing. Hmm there was no small room. So we booked in the medium and we paid about Rp 180.000 to sing 2 hours long. No problem, the point is I and Irfan can make it comes true. This is Irfan's dream n me. Hahaha
At the room, we were singing together, we were happy, no sad, no worries, no bad side. We were happy at all :) We planned to go to downtown after that.
Anw, though our voices were not good enough, that was not a problem, xoxoxo :))
We sang only 1 hour 30 minutes, because we gotta went to downtown and watch the fireworks and meet the other friends who have been waiting for us. Outside NAV, we saw people, people and people were walking together went to downtown. I saw no cars, no motors and no vehicles in the street. I heard trumpets sound everywhere.
We met the other friends and we were waiting for 00.00.. and........................
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!! 00.00
The fireworks began, they were so beuatiful, sweet and colorful in the sky :)

The Fireworks I saw it with Irfan only, because we had lost from the others. The fireworks had been helding about 45 minutes. After that, Irfan and I saw the others and we gathered together.
We were happy happy at the last time of 2011!
We made a lot of good wishes for 2012, and I no need to write them down here, hehe
Happy New Year All!!!