Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Don't Get It Yet!

Aku belum bisa memikirkan sesuatu yang lain secara fokus. Sejak malam itu, setelah aku membaca sesuatu yang mencenangkan pikiran dan nalarku. Aku sendiri mencoba untuk memecahkannya, tapi aku belum bisa sepenuhnya. Aku tidak pernah melepaskan fokus pikiranku darinya hingga saat ini. Dia itu berbeda, dia itu istimewa. Ketika anak seumurannya sibuk terlarut dalam dramatika cinta, pelampiasan hobi karena suka, dsb, dia justru berfikir berbeda.
Mengembangkan pola pikirnya, mengarahkan mindset-nya pada sesuatu yang ia inginkan di masa depan. Tapi pemikiranku tidak berjalan dengan itu. Beberapa pertanyaan menguji pemikiran dan nalarku tentangnya. Bagaimana bisa dia melakukan sesuatu yang berbeda dari anak lain seumurannya? Pastilah dia memiliki naluri atau gejolak dari umurnya untuk melakukan hal yang memang se-wajar-nya dilakukan pada umur itu, lalu bagaimana bisa dia mengatasinya? Apakah itu semacam keanehan/keahlisan diri/bakat?

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Somewhere Only We Know

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I’m getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you’re gonna let me in
I’m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I’ve been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing where have you gone

I’m getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you’re gonna let me in
I’m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don’t we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don’t we go
Somewhere only we know?

This could be the end of everything
So why don’t we go
Somewhere only we know?

I Will Fly

You know all the things I've said
You know all the things that we have done
And things I gave to you
There's a chance for me to say
How precious you are in my life
And you know that it's true

To be with you is all that I need
Cause with you, my life seems brighter and these are all the things
I wanna say...

I will fly into your arms
And be with you
Till the end of time
Why are you so far away
You know it's very hard for me
To get myself close to you

You're the reason why I stay
You're the one who cannot believe
Our Love will never end
Is it only in my dream?
You're the one who cannot see this
How could you be so blind?

I wanna get myself close to you

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Dalam Rangka Lebaran [Bebies]

Hey, hey, hey!! Whatzuupp, guys? At this chance, I'd like to post a story. It's not about me or someone else like superstars, idols, or else. It's about togetherness, BEBIES [Ex 8B Spensa Madiun]..!! Yeh, though we've separated in different classes and schools now, we still got the togetherness. Cuz' we love each others (: How sweeeeeeeeeett, isnt it?!!

Seperti tradisi taunan anak Bebies waktu lebaran, setelah mudik dan sebelum hari masuk sekolah, kita gather bareng buat silaturahmi ke guru-guru SMP kita waktu kita kelas 8. Sudah berjalan sejak 2 tahun lalu, dan ini tahun ketiga. Gak cuma bebies aja hlo, temen yang deket sama kelas kita kayak Irfan, Dian, dll kita juga ajak. At this year, kita pergi bareng.... : The Boys [Arfian, Irfan, Tata, Dimitri, Yohan, Rochmad and Iqbal] and The Girls [Rigel, Almas, Husna, Denis, Tika, Yossi, and Icha]. Kita berkunjung ke Ex wali kelas tercinta kita, Bu Siti Haryani (: Disana kita bahas kenangan masa 8B dulu, muehehe nostalgia juga nih. Pindah ke guru paling gokil sedunia akhirat, Ibu Is!! Yeh, disana kita juga nostalgia waktu memori kelas 9. Hahaha gokil juga deh! Nah, ganti guru cowok. Guru paling hebat dan te o pe tur goes to international bareng timnas dulu, Pak Yanto. Beliau baru saja pensiun dari SMP 1 Madiun. Beliau ini juga temen bapak ane, jadi yaa gitu deh udah sedikit akrab, muehehehe. Dan tujuan terakhir kita adalah mantan guru IPS kelas 8, beliau juga sudah pensiun, Ibu Siti Sundari. Wah kangen banget nih, udah lama gak diajar beliau.

(Taken in Bu Siti's home)

Our togetherness gak stop disitu aja, habis itu kita ke Masjid Besar utk sholat Dzuhur bareng. Terus ada event special lagi nih, yaaak! Traktiran ultah Tata, Yossi, Tika dan Icha. Kita ditraktir lunch di KFC, muehehehe. Disana gak cuma makan, tapi juga ketemu UDIN SEDUNIA, hahaha. (mirip banget) yang bikin kita semua ngakak banget sama look tuh orang. Habis makan, perut kenyang, kita bareng balik kerumah Almas buat gather atau sekedar cerita2, curcol, dll. Pokoknya, kalo udah gather beeeeeeeeh, pulang selalu overtime. Dan benar saja, dari jam 8 - setengah 4 sore. Overall, today was the greatest one in the last weekend, muehehehe

Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Alasan #Poem


Sepi ini yang kurasa
Tak terabaikan atau bersalaman
Detak jam seolah menghantui
Menngolok aku yang seorang diri
Iri ku melihat mereka luapkan rindu bersama
Berbagi canda dan tawa di langit senja
Tatkala senja berganti malam
Aku masih sendiri dan terdiam
Sehati tapi tak sepikiran
Aku ingin bersama orang yang aku inginkan
Salah dan terhina
Menyadari hanya karena aku kesepian
Tapi aku punya alasan!
Cukup kau tahu, aku tak mau menyiakan
Atau menyakiti hati yang telah kau isyaratkan

~ Arfian Syahriza

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Somewhere Only We Know Cover by Max Schneider and Liz

Hey! What you up to guys today?! Feel bored huh? Here check an awesome cover video by Max Schneider and Liz. Original song by Keane. Produced by Kurt Schneider.. Here the video. Check them out!! I bet you're gonna love it (:

Epic Pics!

Somebody #Poem

I miss somebody to love. Somebody to hug. 
Somebody to kiss. Somebody that I would hold the hands tightly. 
I miss somebody to laugh together. Somebody who reminds me time to eat. 
Somebody I can share with. 
I miss somebody who texts me in every morning just for saying "Have a good day!" or "Good morning, a new world has began!". 
I miss somebody who places the head in my chest.
I miss somebody, somebody who always make me happy through out the days. 
I miss somebody who has a shine star in the dark sky
Somebody who won't say goodbye
Somebody who will stay alive with me for all time
No matter sad, happy, poor or rich
I miss somebody even though I haven't found it yet
I already miss that somebody

~ Arfian Syahriza

Somebody to live with

Konspirasi Amerika Serikat, WHO, dan H5N1 (US H5N1 and WHO Conspiracy)

Menguak Konspirasi Jahat AS Terhadap Menteri Kesehatan Indonesia, Tentang Virus Flu Burung (H5N1)

“Pemerintah AS dikabarkan menjanjikan imbalan peralatan militer berupa senjata berat atau tank jika Pemerintah RI bersedia menarik buku Siti Fadilah Supari setebal 182 halaman itu. Majalah The Economist London menempatkan Fadilah sebagai tokoh pendobrak yang memulai revolusi dalam menyelamatkan dunia dari dampak flu burung.”

Pada tahun 2005-2009 lalu, Menteri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supari (59) membuat gerah World Health Organization (WHO) dan Pemerintah Amerika Serikat (AS).

Fadilah berhasil menguak konspirasi AS dan badan kesehatan dunia itu dalam mengembangkan senjata biologi dari virus flu burung, Avian influenza (H5N1).

Setelah virus itu menyebar dan menghantui dunia, perusahaan-perusahaan dari negara maju memproduksi vaksin lalu dijual ke pasaran dengan harga mahal di negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Fadilah menuangkannya dalam bukunya berjudul Saatnya Dunia Berubah! Tangan Tuhan di Balik Virus Flu Burung.

Selain dalam edisi Bahasa Indonesia, Siti juga meluncurkan buku yang sama dalam versi Bahasa Inggris dengan judul It’s Time for the World to Change.

Konspirasi tersebut, kata Fadilah, dilakukan negara adikuasa dengan cara mencari kesempatan dalam kesempitan pada penyebaran virus flu burung.

“Saya mengira mereka mencari keuntungan dari penyebaran flu burung dengan menjual vaksin ke negara kita,” ujar Fadilah kepada Persda Network di Jakarta.

Situs berita Australia, The Age, mengutip buku Fadilah dengan mengatakan, Pemerintah AS dan WHO berkonpirasi mengembangkan senjata biologi dari penyebaran virus avian H5N1 atau flu burung dengan memproduksi senjata biologi.

Karena itu pula, bukunya dalam versi bahasa Inggris menuai protes dari petinggi WHO. “Kegerahan” itu saya tidak tanggapi, betul apa nggak, mari kita buktikan.”

“Kita bukan saja dibikin gerah, tetapi juga kelaparan dan kemiskinan. Negara-negara maju menidas kita, lewat WTO, lewat Freeport, dan lain-lain. Coba kalau tidak ada, kita sudah kaya,” ujarnya.

Fadilah mengatakan, edisi perdana bukunya dicetak masing-masing 1.000 eksemplar untuk cetakan bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris. Total sebanyak 2.000 buku.

“Saat ini banyak yang meminta, jadi dalam waktu dekat saya akan mencetak cetakan kedua dalam jumlah besar. Kalau cetakan pertama dicetak penerbitan kecil, tapi untuk rencana ini saya sedang mencari dan membicarakan dengan penerbitan besar,” katanya.

Selain mencetak ulang bukunya, perempuan kelahiran Solo, 6 November 1950, mengatakan telah menyiapkan buku jilid kedua.

“Saya sedang menulis jilid kedua. Di dalam buku itu akan saya beberkan semua bagaimana pengalaman saya. Bagaimana saya mengirimkan 58 virus, tetapi saya dikirimkan virus yang sudah berubah dalam bentuk kelontongan”, ujarnya.

“Virus yang saya kirimkan dari Indonesia diubah-ubah Pemerintahan George Bush,” ujar menteri kesehatan pertama Indonesia dari kalangan perempuan ini.

Siti enggan berkomentar tentang permintaan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono yang memintanya menarik buku dari peredaran.

“Bukunya sudah habis. Yang versi bahasa Indonesia, sebagian, sekitar 500 buku saya bagi-bagikan gratis, sebagian lagi dijual ditoko buku. Yang bahasa Inggris dijual,” katanya sembari mengatakan, tidak mungkin lagi menarik buku dari peredaran.

Pemerintah AS dikabarkan menjanjikan imbalan peralatan militer berupa senjata berat atau tank jika Pemerintah RI bersedia menarik buku setebal 182 halaman itu.

Mengubah Kebijakan apapun komentar pemerintah AS dan WHO, Fadilah sudah membikin sejarah dunia. Gara-gara protesnya terhadap perlakuan diskriminatif soal flu burung, AS dan WHO sampai-sampai mengubah kebijakan fundamentalnya yang sudah dipakai selama 50 tahun.

Perlawanan Fadilah dimulai sejak korban tewas flu burung mulai terjadi di Indonesia pada 2005. Majalah The Economist London menempatkan Fadilah sebagai tokoh pendobrak yang memulai revolusi dalam menyelamatkan dunia dari dampak flu burung.

“Menteri Kesehatan Indonesia itu telah memilih senjata yang terbukti lebih berguna daripada vaksin terbaik dunia saat ini dalam menanggulangi ancaman virus flu burung, yaitu transparansi,” tulis The Economist.

The Economist, seperti ditulis Asro Kamal Rokan di Republika edisi Maret 2008 lalu, mengurai, Fadilah mulai curiga saat Indonesia juga terkena endemik flu burung 2005 silam.

Ia kelabakan. Obat tamiflu harus ada. Namun aneh, obat tersebut justru diborong negara-negara kaya yang tak terkena kasus flu burung.

Di tengah upayanya mencari obat flu burung, dengan alasan penentuan diagnosis, WHO melalui WHO Collaborating Center (WHO CC) di Hongkong memerintahkannya untuk menyerahkan sampel spesimen.

Mulanya, perintah itu diikuti Fadilah. Namun, ia juga meminta laboratorium litbangkes melakukan penelitian. Hasilnya ternyata sama. Tapi, mengapa WHO meminta sampel dikirim ke Hongkong?

Fadilah merasa ada suatu yang aneh. Ia terbayang korban flu burung di Vietnam. Sampel virus orang Vietnam yang telah meninggal itu diambil dan dikirim ke WHO  untuk dilakukan risk assessment, diagnosis, dan kemudian dibuat bibit virus.

Dari bibit virus inilah dibuat vaksin. Dari sinilah, ia menemukan fakta, pembuat vaksin itu adalah perusahaan-perusahaan besar dari negara maju, negara kaya, yang tak terkena flu burung.

Mereka mengambilnya dari Vietnam, negara korban, kemudian menjualnya ke seluruh dunia tanpa izin. Tanpa kompensasi.

Fadilah marah. Ia merasa kedaulatan, harga diri, hak, dan martabat negara-negara tak mampu telah dipermainkan atas dalih Global Influenza Surveilance Network (GISN) WHO.

Badan ini sangat berkuasa dan telah menjalani praktik selama 50 tahun. Mereka telah memerintahkan lebih dari 110 negara untuk mengirim spesimen virus flu ke GISN tanpa bisa menolak. Virus itu menjadi milik mereka, dan mereka berhak memprosesnya menjadi vaksin!

Di saat keraguan atas WHO, Fadilah kembali menemukan fakta bahwa para ilmuwan tidak dapat mengakses data sequencing DNA H5N1 yang disimpan WHO.

Data itu, uniknya, disimpan di Los Alamos National Laboratoty di New Mexico, AS. Di sini, dari 15 grup peneliti hanya ada empat orang dari WHO, selebihnya tak diketahui. Ternyata ini berada di bawah Kementerian Energi AS. Di lab inilah duhulu dirancang bom atom Hiroshima. Lalu untuk apa data itu? Untuk vaksin atau senjata kimia?

Fadilah tak membiarkan situasi ini. Ia minta WHO membuka data itu. Data DNA virus H5N1 harus dibuka, tidak boleh hanya dikuasai kelompok tertentu. Ia berusaha keras. Dan, berhasil. Pada 8 Agustus 2006, WHO mengirim data itu. Ilmuwan dunia yang selama ini gagal mendobrak ketertutupan Los Alamos, telah memujinya!

Majalah The Economist menyebut peristiwa ini sebagai revolusi bagi transparansi. Tidak berhenti di situ. Siti Fadilah terus mengejar WHO agar mengembalikan 58 virus asal Indonesia, yang konon telah ditempatkan di Bio Health Security, lembaga penelitian senjata biologi Pentagon.

Ini jelas tak mudah. Tapi, ia terus berjuang hingga tercipta pertukaran virus yang adil, transparan, dan setara.

Ia juga terus melawan dengan cara tidak lagi mau mengirim spesimen virus yang diminta WHO, selama mekanisme itu mengikuti GISN, yang imperialistik dan membahayakan dunia.

Dan, perlawanan itu tidak sia-sia. Meski Fadilah dikecam WHO dan dianggap menghambat penelitian, namun pada akhirnya dalam sidang Pertemuan Kesehatan Sedunia di Jenewa Mei 2007, International Government Meeting (IGM) WHO akhirnya menyetujui segala tuntutan Fadilah, yaitu sharing virus disetujui dan GISN dihapuskan.

Dan sebab itulah, Ibu Siti Fadhilah menjadi salah 1 orang dari 4 orang Indonesia yang sangat saya kagumi. Beliau bersama Dahlan Iskan, Agnes Monica, Sri Mulyani adalah 4 orang Indonesia terhebat di masa modern!

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

That Boy

I'm that boy who wake up each morning thinking, this is the day. I'm that boy who hates going to sleep alone. I'm that boy who doubts himself. I'm that boy who thinks no one can love him. I'm that boy who still though believes in true love. I'm that boy who's a hopeless romantic. I'm that boy who overanalyze all the little signs. I'm that boy who smile when he sees your name pop up on the phone. I'm that boy who just wants to hold your hand. I'm that boy who will text you out of the blue just to let you know how much I love you. I'm that boy who will kiss you when you ramble on. I'm that boy who will laugh when you laugh. I'm that boy who will always be there for you. I'm that boy who misses you. and even though I haven't found you yet. I still miss you. I'm me.

I’m dreaming of the day I get to meet the girl of my life. dreaming of the feelings she will awake within me, how it will feel to just look at her knowing that she is only mine & I only her. knowing that whenever I want to I can just walk up to her & give her a kiss because she will be all mine. to hold, to love & to cherish.
I’m dreaming of the day I can sneak up in the morning to cook her breakfast & wake her up with a kiss & a smile. introduce her to my friends, we’ll drink some beers at my place before going out in the night surrounded by friends, music, lights & her. walk home at dawn with her, laughing & holding hands.
I’m dreaming of the day I can tell my mom & dad to put another plate on the table, to introduce her to my whole family & see their smiles. getting to meet her parents, her friends & realizing that she’s making me a part of her life. I’m dreaming of the day I can feel safe wherever I am because I know she is out there somewhere loving me just as much as I love her. I’m dreaming of the day I can say “I love you”
I’m waiting for the day I will see you & know my dreams have come true. I'm dreaming I want to be next to you, be able to hug you, share everything with you, spend my time with you and be happy with you...

~ Arfian Syahriza

Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

Erosi Kornea #MyTrueStory

Hey, readers! Wazzup?? Kali ini saya akan memposting tentang sebuah artikel yang akan menjelaskan apa itu Erosi Kornea. Kenapa saya mempost-nya?

Yap, sewaktu smp kelas 9, saya pernah menderita penyakit ini. Dimana waktu itu, bermula dari mata belekan yang sangat gatal, lalu saya kucek-kucek, hingga akhirnya kornea saya rusak atau terjadi erosi kornea. Waktu itu saya benar-benar takut, karena penyakit yang menyerang alat paling vital manusia, mata. Saya takut akan kebutaan. Lalu setelah saya pergi memeriksakannya ke RS, dan mengalami beberapa pengobatan yang berat dan saya tidak suka, mata saya kembali normal. Meski, kornea tsb terasa sedikit berbeda.. maksud saya, pandangan agak kacau. Ok, ini artikelnya.

Erosi kornea dapat disebabkan karena adanya benda asing di dalam mata, adanya usaha untuk mengeluarkan atau menarik benda asing tersebut misalnya dengan jari kuku, atau melalui mekanisme non-kontak seperti pada pekerja yang terkena percikan api alat las. Pada kondisi ini, pasien memerlukan intervensi karena adanya rasa nyeri yang ditimbulkan. Pada erosi kornea, sel epitel yang melapisi kornea dapat hilang sebagian atau hilang total. (Pada gambar, mata normal diatas, dan mata dengan erosi kornea dibawah)

  • Gejala
Nyeri (pada beberapaa kasus dapat disertai sensasi adanya benda asing, iritasi, atau mata kering)
Pandangan kabur

  • Pemeriksaan
Tes fluorescein untuk membuktikan adanya defek epitel. Bila terdapat edema maka defek akan terlihat setelah beberapa jam.

  • Penatalaksanaan
Tujuan dari penatalaksanaan pada erosi kornea adalah untuk re-epitelisasi.
Salep antibiotik, untuk menghindari infeksi
Kortikoseroid tetes, untuk mengatasi inflamasi dan membantu metabolisme kornea
Siklopegik tetes, untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri.

Today My Life Begins

I've been working hard so long
Seems like pain has been my only friend
My fragile heart's been done so wrong
I wondered if I'd ever heal again
Ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same
All around me I can feel a change 
I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me, today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting it's mine for the taking
I know I can make it today my life begins
Yesterday has come and gone

And I've learn how to leave it where it is
And I see that I was wrong
For ever doubting I could win
Life's to short to have regrets
So I'm learning now to leave it in the past and try to forget

Only have one life to live
So you better make the best of it

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Apakah aku terlambat? #ShortStory

Masih terngiang jelas bagiku, tentang sebuah waktu yang mempertemukan kamu dan aku, Di waktu itu, tepat dimana aku mulai mencintaimu. Menyayangimu sepenuh hatiku dan aku mengusahakan segalanya untukmu, hanya agar kau bahagia bersamaku. Kamu tidak perlu tau seberapa besar pengorbanan yang telah aku lakukan, kamu tidak perlu peduli, aku mencintaimu. Kau yang memiliki mata terindah yang pernah aku tatap, kau yang memiliki pipi terhalus yang pernah aku elus, kau yang memiliki rambut panjang yang selalu kuurai. Kau wanita yang mencium mesra keningku di hari kasih sayang februari itu. Kau wanita yang selalu membangunkan aku dari keterpurukan dan bangkit melaksanakan perjuangan. Kau wanita yang menjadi idola semua pria. Kau milikku dan akan selalu milikku. Terdengar manis bukan bagimu?

Tapi aku akan menulis, dan juga aku berfikir.. Tuhan memang masih sayang dan melindungiku. Sebuah waktu kembali muncul, berbeda dengan waktu aku mencintaimu, berbeda dengan waktu aku elus pipimu, berbeda dengan semua yang dulu. Waktu itu baik, dia mempertemukan kamu dan aku kembali. Diatas bangku kayu didekat pohon bambu di taman kota, aku melihatmu bercumbu mesra dengan orang yang tak seharusnya. Kau beri ciuman hangat dikeningnya dan aku cemburu. Sangat cemburu! Dan kini aku tahu, ternyata selama ini aku memberikan banyak pengorbanan besar dan berat pada orang yang salah. Sejenak aku berfikir, mungkin aku manusia paling bodoh didunia yang mudah tertipu oleh outside looking. Bukan mungkin, tapi memang! Tuhan dan malaikat berbisik lirih ditelingaku seketika, "Kau seharusnya tak akan lagi menjadi seperti itu". Bisikan lirih yang mengenyuhkan hatiku dan pikiranku. Tapi tidak, aku tak mendengarkan mereka, aku mengingat, terbayang-bayang oleh wanitaku. Aku terpuruk dan bisa berjuang.

Suatu malam aku membalas dengan doaku "Setelah sekian lama aku tidak pernah bisa, aku terlalu mencintainya meski ia telah menyakitiku dan meninggalkanku. Apakah aku terlambat untuk berubah? Apakah aku salah tak mendengarkan-Mu?" Dan Tuhan serta Malaikat tak pernah berbisik kembali kepadaku. Dan kini aku tahu, hanya diriku sendiri yang bisa melakukannya.

~ Arfian Syahriza

Stuffs I want to have

Hey, doodles!! At this chance i'd love to tell you some stuffs i want to have (:
Well they got an inner to attrack me for having them then. Imma tell the reasons in the descriptions tho so you guys may be will do the same with me, haha (having them)

#1 Samsung Galaxy S2
Galaxy S II has a 1.2 GHz dual-core "Exynos" system on a chip (SoC) processor, 1 GB of RAM, a 10.8 cm (4.3 in) WVGA Super AMOLED Plus screen display and an 8-megapixel camera with flash and 1080p full high definition video recording. It is one of the first devices to offer a Mobile High-definition Link. The most special reason is.. it supports SKYPE VIDEO CALLING! Yeh, fyi im a skype addict. Haha i'm always on my skype and did some hilarious stuffs at there. Includes, video calling with my buddies then :)

Video Review of Samsung Galaxy S II

#2 iPhone 4S
In the second place is iPhone 4S from Apple. Haha, i think you guys have known this cool stuff. The iPhone 4S comes within special and new stuffs inside it, yeah SIRI! The virtual assistant. You need to press the main button for 3 seconds then Siri appears and ready to help you. Ive ever seen the stuff and it was FUCKING AWESOME! How could she writes text, reminds us, and tells us bout some good destination places. It supports Skype ofc :) 

Video Review of iPhone 4S

Maret #Poem

by @ArfianRv

Terlalu dalam sudah racun ini merasuk
Meracuni segala sudut dalam rusuk
Tak terdefinisikan 
Tak pernah terabaikan
Jangan salahkan bulan, matahari pergi
Jangan salahkan hujan, tanah ini kering
Ku pikir dan cari sebuah definisi
Ini bisa jadi cinta?
Atau hanya perasaan suka?
Bawa aku, meski petir menggelegar
Katakan padaku, kau takkan ingkar
Maret lalu...
Kau cumbu dan hipnotis aku
Tanamkan secerca harapan
Untuk dua insan di masa depan
Ku tak inginkan kau cahaya
Dia pergi berganti gelap malam seketika
Meninggalkanku bersama luka
Yang mungkin berakhir duka

#Dedicated: Dear, someone.. dont you remember me?
~ Arfian Syahriza

Pelacur Bangsat #Poem

Pelacur Bangsat
by @ArfianRv

Pelacur bangsat!
Kau remas tanganku begitu erat
Meluapkan dua nafsu dengan bejat
Erat.. pekat..
Pelacur bangsat!
Rayuanmu pada malam gelap
Melangkah meninggalkan lampu kerlap
Panjang rambutmu kuurai
Tak ku ingat ibuku menangis derai
Kau Pelacur bangsat!
Dalam sekejap hancur cita
Terngiang aku bersama neraka
Tapi ini bukan cinta manusia
Rekayasa nafsu dalam amarah suka
Pelacur bangsat!
Kau ingat malam itu nikmat
Kutungguh rapuh hingga kiamat

~ Arfian Syahriza

Tak Apa #Poem

Tak Apa
by @ArfianRv

Ku biasa tak didengar
Beradu diriku sendiri bersama sunyi
Ku biasa tak dihirau
Ku coba meredam kala kalbuku menggebu
Tak apa kawan!
Kutau pertemanan ini sudah rawan
Tunjuk tangan bersalam kesendirian
Kau keluarkan pedang spekulasi
Bersamanya kau buatku terdegradasi
Meninggalkan kasta tertinggi
Kembali berlabuh pada divisi
Tak apa kawan!
Mauku jangan ganggu sisa kawanku
Lepas jangkar dari hidupku
Minyak dan Air tak akan bersatu
Kuharap kau tenggelam bersama kabut abu
Dan tak pernah menyapa pagi buta bersamaku

#Dedicated for someone I hate the most
~ Arfian Syahriza

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

Teenage Bullying

Many people retain horrible memories of high school, in large part due to the bullying they experienced. Teenage bullying is a very real problem in schools. And it isn’t always physical. There are many different types of bullying, including verbal and emotional bullying. These types of bullying, though more subtle than physical bullying, can still have a large impact on a student. Additionally, with the Internet now becoming a huge part of many teens’ lives, it is no surprise that cyber bullying is seeing an increase.

What is bullying?

Bullying includes behaviors that focus on making someone else feel inadequate, or focus on belittling someone else. Bullying includes harassment, physical harm, repeatedly demeaning speech and efforts to ostracize another person. Bullying is active, and is done with the intention of bringing another person down. It is important to realize that there are different kinds of bullying:

Physical Bullying: This is the most obvious form of bullying. In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do something.
Verbal Bullying: When someone verbally bullies another, he or she uses demeaning language to tear down another’s self-image. Bullies who use verbal techniques excessively tease others, say belittling things and use a great deal of sarcasm with the intent to hurt the other person’s feelings or humiliate the other teen in front of others.
Emotional: This is even more subtle than verbal bullying. Teenage bullying that includes emotional methods aims at getting someone else to feel isolated, alone and may even prompt depression. This type of bullying is designed to get others to ostracize the person being bullied.
Cyber Bullying: Electronic bullying is becoming a very real problem for teens. This type of bullying uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks to humiliate and embarrass others. This can be especially devastating to the people being bullied, since they cannot even find a safe place in the virtual world.
Is teenage bullying common?

According to statistics from Family First Aid, about 30 percent of teenagers in the U.S. have been involved in bullying, either as a bully or as a victim of teenage bullying. Data suggests that teenage bullying is more common among younger teens than it is among older teens. However, it may be that young teens are more prone to physical bullying, which is easier to identify, and that older teens are more sophisticated in methods of bullying that are not always exactly identified as such.

Physical bullying is more common among boys, and teenage girls often favor verbal and emotional bullying. Indeed, while boys report that they are more likely to be involved in physical altercations, girls report that they are often the targets of nasty rumors - especially involving sexual gossip. Additionally, girls are more likely to use exclusion as a teenage bullying technique than boys are.

What are some of the effects of teenage bullying?

There are a number of effects that come with teenage bullying. First of all, there are the obvious physical problems and injuries that can result from physical bullying. However, emotional, verbal and cyber bullying can deeply affect teens as well. These activities can lead to depression (and even suicide), drug use and stunted social development. These are problems that can affect a person well into adulthood.

Another problem can be that of retaliation. In some cases, bullied teens have violent fantasies of attacking their tormentors. There are instances in which these teens become violent, turning on their classmates in order to get revenge. This can be a cause of heartbreak and difficulty.

Reducing teenage bullying

It is very difficult to address teen bullying. However, there are some things that can help discourage bullying situations. Teens should be encouraged to seek friends, in person and online, who are supportive and kind. They should try to move in groups if possible, since bullies most often single out those who are alone.

Also, it is important to have teachers and other adult authorities present when possible to discourage bullying behavior. You can also talk to bullies about more appropriate behavior, and hope that they are willing to listen.

In the end, it is difficult to totally prevent teenage bullying - especially if it is verbal, emotional or cyber bullying. You should encourage good efforts to reduce bullying, and let victims see that you are involved in these efforts. The best thing you can do is be encouraging to bullying victims and try to help them get through this tough time as unscathed as possible.

Am I Wrong?

This aftnoon, i was lookin around my city. I was bored so I took it. I saw some views in every edge of streets I passed. Once street, i saw something terrible. Something that touched my heart at all and directly i was feelin pity to it. There was an old poor lady, she wore a hella bad clothes. I thought she was a beggar. Lord, she looked disgusting at all and i cant hold my instinct to help her. But i cant, I sat at the one corners of store, i was watching her pickin up some stuffs on the trash can.

When i was sitting, i was thinkin then. I was speakin inside my heart that no one knew. In my thought, i was wrong for living this life. I spent my parent's bugs for hanging out, hunting, shopping on mall, singing at karaoke, eating in the good restaurant and others. Even i did silly last night, when i was shopping with my 2 buddies. We bought a lot of shirts, clothes, slippers and other stuffs where i can added it up, it showed almost Rp 500.000 and stupidly i used it up in one night! I didnt think I was wrong at that time. I was feeling happy only tho. I didnt think for people like that beggar or else, i didnt think about the ways how my parents got money, i didnt think there are still a lot of poor people who more need money for living than for shopping or even just eating some yummy and expensive foods. I was, tho. I just dont know how to appreciate my money, i just dont know yet. Im a teenagers, a common teenagers who loves that stuffs and do whatever they like. But, other side i was thinking... i have another buddy which also a teenager. He doesnt spend a lot of money for vanity. So why the hell i cant do the same just like he does?! What i need is TRAINING!

Then, i came close to her and i gave her some bugs. I wish for a better life for her. I wish for a better life for me too. And imma try control my instinct to not using up my money in vain.. (:

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Max Schneider

Maxwell George "Max" Schneider (born June 21, 1992) is an American singer, dancer, actor, model, and musician. He began performing at age three. He was the 2010 YoungArts Theater Winner. Since then, he has performed on television, was an understudy in 13 the musical, and modeled with Madonna. His newest TV show is How To Rock, where he plays Zander, the piano guitar in Gravity 5. Max also starred on Nickelodeon original Rags (film). He announced in April 2012 that he would tour with Victoria Justice in Summer 2012.
He also collaborated with Kurt Schneider and Victoria Justice in a Bruno Mars Medley and a Maroon 5 Medley. He had also did a cover of Without You By USHER. Schneider was raised in Woodstock, Manhattan, New York; he is Jewish and was Bar Mitzvahed

Well, thats some bios about him. It's reason time! Haha

The first time i knew him was when I was surfing on YouTube Official Twitter. At there, i found a link that leads me to his Medley video, fosho Maroon5 Medley by Kurt Schneider, Max and Victoria Justice. Directly I am falling in love to those 3 people!! They are so awesome. And the video and music amazed me at all tho!! Im collecting Max's vidoes then.. From cover by Usher - Without You, Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know, Bruno Mars - It Will Rain and others. Yessss!!! He did it well! :) And officially, I'm such his fan now!!

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

One Time

I used to be the one who lived in solitude. Day by day with nothin' and i didnt do any stuffs. I know, it's horrible, disgusting and i myself dont even want it. Then, i found you, the special one. Yes, you were so special at that time. Too special causes finally i lost my solitude and i've never felt alone longer. You did it!!

Then someday, in the fright night, i was brooding, i was looking for some ways to reward you kindness, your  special. Naturally, i promised myself to always be there for you, accompany you, chilling with you, help you, and a lot others. I myself even willin to waste my precious time, my worth time for only with you. Because i know, you're good and i want to reward your kindness also i've promised myself before. You asked a lot of stuffs, i answered. You wanted me to do a lot of stuffs, i did it. And overall, i did it for you as long as i could..

Yes! We're being best friend, best partner ever!! And with you, i found something that i didnt find with someone else.. With you, i know how to act right, how to think right, cuz you teach me a lot of life's secret! We shared our life, we told each other and we shared our secrets. You're the most different one i've ever seen. Yes and till now i still keep it. You got my belief and I got yours. Ye, we're worthy :) And I was so happy for having you!

It happens for a very looooooooooong term. And we're getting very very close till now. I mean, the communication is good! Yep! Everybody is gettin jealous of us i know it. But now I'm jealous with everybody.. The beauty has gone, cant stay longer, belief finally split, indifferent is on, and i dont know why?

Are you busy? Are you bored? Or any else? Tell me then! But You dont speak it out, and i will never know why then. Nowadays, i just feel that you're different tho. I dont know, i really really dont know. I dont know the new you, the most different with the first you i knew. A lot of thoughts come on my mind and it just disturb me at all tho! My life, my precious life seems like highly dependent on you. Idk, am I addict? No!!!!

I learn it, i watch it, and i make conclusion. YES! The conclusion may be.. you're just a bean which separated from the chaff or any else, you're just temporary and wont permanent. The new you never do the same with what i've done to you. WE ARE NOT WORTH ANY LONGER! a lot of times i try to remove it or just I familiarize myself without you, slowly and slowly then.

So i finally think : "Why the fuck I have to do what do you want to, easily tho? You dont even put on any efforts, so why the fuck should I?". It's about EQUIVALENCE!! It's a bout BELIEF! About FRIENDS and OLD RELATIONSHIP WE HAVE MADE!! But, you didnt respect though only one of them, so lemme do the same, my mate!!! I know our thinking is not same and it's on different ways now. I appreciate it!

Good 4 You..