Sabtu, 30 April 2011
Vocation Time!!
Yeea Yeaa, vocation time has come! What are your plans to fill this long holiday? Ahahaha I hope this holiday will be very fun :)
Liburan panjang pasca UN telah tiba, ayayay. Liburan ini akan berlangsung selama 2 bulan lamanya. Dan, dapat dipastikan saya sangat bingung dengan apa saya mengisi liburan yang panjang ini? Haaaaaaa God help me for this :D
But, I have some plan to do in this week. want to know? Yeaah, Diantaranya pemotretan untuk album kenangan bersama anak OSIS tadi pagi, terus pendaftaran ke SMA 2 yang cukup melelahkan dan sampai siang --'
Besok jadwal hunting tempat pemotretan bersama kelas untuk album kenangan, Selasa pemotretan sama anak-anak. Oiyaa, Besok senin juga ada jadwal futsal jam 9 sama anak cowok 9C di Maestro n jadwal ngembaliin buku ke sekolah!
Dan, masih banyak lain yang belum aku tahu mau isi dengan apa T.T
So, can you suggest me?

Kamis, 21 April 2011
Belajar dari "JIKA AKU MENJADI"
JIKA AKU MENJADI! Acara reality show di TransTV itu penuh banget
nilai sosial, moral dan budaya. Menolong keluarga yang hidupnya
jauh dari sejahtera. Mereka hidup sangat miskin, serba kekurangaan
dan sangat jauh dari modernisasi yang notabanenya sudah mendunia
sejak 2000.
Seharusnya, pemerintah kita, para anggota dewan RI, melihat acara
yang tayang setiap senin - jum'at di TransTV ini. Agar mereka bisa
melihat betapa rakyatnya banyak yang miskin dan hidup jauh dibawah
garis sejahtera.
Pemerintah seharusnya tidak menghambukan uang negara untuk hal yg
kurang perlu. Tidak memakan uang rakyat. Apabila semuanya seimbang
Indonesia akan maju, saya yakin!
Pak, Bu, Anggota dewan, tolong, lihat mereka. Kasianilah mereka.
Bantu mereka menikmati masa tuanya dengan beristirahat di rumah,
tidak bekerja.

Will Miss Everything
Aku sedih banget, sedih banget dan sedih banget. Tau nggak kenapa? Sebentar lagi aku lulus, iya aku senang karena aku akan lulus, tapi kesenanganku tidak sebanding dengan kesedihanku. Aku sangat sedih sekali karena aku harus berpisah dengan sahabat-sahabatku tercinta, aku harus berpisah dengan teman baikku dikelas, dan aku harus berpisah dengan seluruh teman sekelasku dan seangkatanku.
Paling membuatku sedih adalah aku harus kehilangan suasana kelas yang sudah sangat aku rasa menyenangkan dan penuh segalanya. Canda, tawa, sedih, duka dan lain-lain. Aku pasti akan sangat merindukan saat kami ulangan bersama, nyontek, debat, diskusi, bedek-bedekan, foto-foto, nggosip, makan bareng, tertawa bareng, tegang bareng, dll. Pasti akan sangat aku rindukan.
Saat kita marahin Yessa yang bener- bener bikin ilfeel n caper, saat kita ngerjain anak-anak yang mau masuk kelas di depan pintu, saat kita nggosip dan cerita bareng, saat kita kumpul dan tertwa, saat tegang dimarahi guru, saat tertawa bersama guru, saat ramai waktu KBM, dll. Semuanya akan sangat aku rindukan.
Tidak hanya waktu dan suasana, aku juga akan sangat merindukan setiap anak 9C. Meskipun mereka ada yang tidak seperti yang aku lakukan. Aku akan merindukan waktu tertawa dan serius bersama Mega, akan merindukan waktu lok-lokan, satru, musuhan, dan guyon bersama Irfan, akan sangat merindukan ketika ikut tertawa bersama Bogy dan Yogi, akan sangat merindukan ketika nyanyi bareng Alif n Krisanti, waktu omong-omongan English sama Krisanti, rasan-rasan sama Yossi, waktu bersama sahabat-sahabatku, lok-lokan sama Figan dan semuanya. Aku akan sangat merindukan itu semua.
Aku sangat takut ketika nanti di SMA tidak mendapat suasana, orang dan waktu yang seperti aku rasakan selama di 9C. Tapi aku tahu, kemungkinan kecil dan sangat kecil untuk bisa bersama di SMA.
Aku hanya bisa mengucapkan minta maaf apabila aku ada salah yang aku sengaja ataupun tidak kepada seluruh teman kelasku. Aku sangat mencintai kalian, aku hanya bisa berdoa untuk kesuksesan dan keberhasilan kita semua di masa depan. Semoga kita semua dimudahkan dalam mengerjakan UN yang sudah sangat dekat. Dan, kita semua lulus dengan danem paling baik, amin
Berjuang-lah kawan! Semoga kita semua dimudahkan Allah SWT dalam segala hal dan saat test sma 2/3. Amin
Sign : Arfian 9C/22

sedih banget,
Sabtu, 09 April 2011
Wrong Reasons to Spend Money
Some people who just can`t control their spending habits. And this only becomes a problem when other areas in life begin to suffer.
This suffering can be intrinsic, financial or just in general whether it`s with family, friends or work. There are often reasons why someone has the need to spend and it`s often when those issues are addressed, that the over-spending stops.
Spending money can become an addiction. It can be so habit forming that it becomes who you are and what your routine looks like. You might be in the habit of going to the store and buying whatever you like and over buying on things, just because you can buy it at that time.
Often a shopper with a problem will buy on impulse and will buy in quantity or quality. That means that they may be able to buy four dresses without trying them on, or they may have no thoughts against buying an item not needed even when it costs too much money.
Feeling like you have an addiction to spending money means that after you make your purchases, you feel over-whelmed with guilt and grief. You might get home and not even know what possessed you to buy some of the things you did, but might feel too ashamed to take them back.
Spending money on items that you may not need can take a heavy financial burden on you and your family. You might be neglecting on important items or bills in order to pay for impulsive items. This kind of stress can put a heavy toll on someone living alone, or in a family. Financial stress is one of the number one causes behind divorces.
When you have family members and friends that are questioning your spending money, you might have some insight into what they see. Often you may not notice how other people view you because they do not say anything, but when they do voice an opinion, it may be time to listen to what they have to say.
There might be a breaking point, where your family breaks up, or your financial walls have come crumbling down around you where you address that you need help. There are ways to battle the addiction of over-spending and it just takes some quick soul searching.
Many times buying items comforts us in some way. It makes us feel good to buy new items and spend money, there is a little piece of heaven attached to it. However, you have to ask yourself if you only buy things when you need comforting. This is an important issue to address. Do you run to the mall when you feel bad about something? Do you over spend on groceries when you know you can`t afford it?
Some strict self-discipline needs to take place for change to occur. You can talk with your doctor about seeing someone for counseling to deal with the emotional issues.
You can also contact your bank and make an appointment to talk to someone. Your banking professional can give you a monthly budget and help you look at ways to pay off bills and save money.
Often changing the way you think, can alter your spending desires. Take a temporary second job and start collecting the money in a separate account. When you go shopping you will begin to think about the items you are buying and how much they cost and how much work you had to do to pay for those individual items.
Start to buy the things you need in cash leave the debit card at home and find other ways to comfort yourself when you need it.
This suffering can be intrinsic, financial or just in general whether it`s with family, friends or work. There are often reasons why someone has the need to spend and it`s often when those issues are addressed, that the over-spending stops.
Spending money can become an addiction. It can be so habit forming that it becomes who you are and what your routine looks like. You might be in the habit of going to the store and buying whatever you like and over buying on things, just because you can buy it at that time.
Often a shopper with a problem will buy on impulse and will buy in quantity or quality. That means that they may be able to buy four dresses without trying them on, or they may have no thoughts against buying an item not needed even when it costs too much money.
Feeling like you have an addiction to spending money means that after you make your purchases, you feel over-whelmed with guilt and grief. You might get home and not even know what possessed you to buy some of the things you did, but might feel too ashamed to take them back.
Spending money on items that you may not need can take a heavy financial burden on you and your family. You might be neglecting on important items or bills in order to pay for impulsive items. This kind of stress can put a heavy toll on someone living alone, or in a family. Financial stress is one of the number one causes behind divorces.
When you have family members and friends that are questioning your spending money, you might have some insight into what they see. Often you may not notice how other people view you because they do not say anything, but when they do voice an opinion, it may be time to listen to what they have to say.
There might be a breaking point, where your family breaks up, or your financial walls have come crumbling down around you where you address that you need help. There are ways to battle the addiction of over-spending and it just takes some quick soul searching.
Many times buying items comforts us in some way. It makes us feel good to buy new items and spend money, there is a little piece of heaven attached to it. However, you have to ask yourself if you only buy things when you need comforting. This is an important issue to address. Do you run to the mall when you feel bad about something? Do you over spend on groceries when you know you can`t afford it?
Some strict self-discipline needs to take place for change to occur. You can talk with your doctor about seeing someone for counseling to deal with the emotional issues.
You can also contact your bank and make an appointment to talk to someone. Your banking professional can give you a monthly budget and help you look at ways to pay off bills and save money.
Often changing the way you think, can alter your spending desires. Take a temporary second job and start collecting the money in a separate account. When you go shopping you will begin to think about the items you are buying and how much they cost and how much work you had to do to pay for those individual items.
Start to buy the things you need in cash leave the debit card at home and find other ways to comfort yourself when you need it.

Funny ways to learn english much!
Hey, I've got a story that really made me glad! Want to know? Here, I'd tell you the stroy. The stroy came from 9C students. They sents are message using english. And I'm realize, that they really want to learn english much. Hem
They are Irfan, Mega, Khrisna.They sent me are sms using english. Not only using english, but also ask all about english to me n Krisanti. But, the really mistakes are they still use wrong grammar. I admit, I also often use wrong grammar, hehe that's common!
Yesterday, I asked Irfan, the reason he uses english in message. Want to know? One of his reason is to mock me in english! What the hell! He really wants to do a revenge with me. Haha

Freak Day! Watch Out!!
Today, I didn't go to school. Well, sure I have a reason why. I'm sick, so I can't attend at the class today. I spent my day by sleeping, watching tv and blogging. No heavy acitvity I'm doing, hehe
But, suddenly, my phone is ringing. There is a call in! But, the number is undetected in my phone.
The conversation.............
Me : "Hallo? Siapa?" (Suara rame banget)
Stranger : "Hoalah Ar, Ar nyapo gak melbu?"
Me : "He? Aku sakit. weh ki sopo? Yogi? Irfan?" (Yakin anak 9C)
Stranger : "Irfan, hauahaha we ki mangkal ae!"
Me : "Giaplek! Fuck Off!" (Dia tertawa puas)
Stranger : "Yak le, Ar! Ndek mau mate pengambilan nilai, cah-cah bijine elek-elek"
Me : "Hloh? Hloh? Dimasukne rapor?"
Stranger : "Iyo, bijimu 0! Huahahaha"
Me : "Ahh bacot lu!"
Tutt tuutt tuuutt
Freak! Wanna read some freak strory again? Haha wait for me come back

Sabtu, 02 April 2011
Makanan TRAGIS!!
Astagfirullahaladzim.. Waktu kemarin nonton tivi, kaget banget. Waktu nonton Reportase Investigasi di TransTV sungguh kaget aku.
Kali ini, reportase membahas jajanan ringan dengan bahan baku makanan yang telak bekas dan basi.
Banyak sekali ternyata makanan yang sudah basi kembali diolah untuk menjadi makanan ringan yang dijual dipasaran. Nauzubilah
Antara lain pepes telor, mie kering, roti aneka rasa. Semua bahannya dari makanan bekas yang sangat sudah tidak layak dan tidak aman untuk dikonsumsi.
Yang saya pikirkan, kenapa kita sesama orang Indonesia malah saling mencelakai demi kepentingan sendiri? Masih banyak lapangan kerja yang lebih halal dan baik yang dapat kita kerjakan. Yang tidak akan mencelakakan orang lain.
Para pedagang itu malah membuat kondisi negara ini semakin buruk dan hancur dengan meracuni para penerus bangsa dengan makanan basi dan tidak layak makan.
Untuk pemerintah, sebaiknya para pedagang tersebut dikenai denda dan ganti rugi. Dan juga, seharusnya pemerintah lebih ketat menyeleksi makanan. Kalau bisa, memberikan kantin makanan luas dan murah disetiap sekolah. Seperti yang dilakuan oleh USA. Sehingga menekan banyak siswa yang akan jajan sembarangan diluar sekolah.

Scratch My Story
Though I passed the life which is full of difficult to, full of hurdles and obstacles, I'm still grinning through it. Because someone had told me "Life is just a moment, only once. So, why make difficult to? Make it all beautiful and face with pleasure"
Do not ever give up to try. I ever felt betrayed, I just ever felt exploited. But, I have forgiven those who have did it to me. Because life should be fixed with kindness.
Thanks to my friend, who had been faithfully to accompany me. Coloring my life with laughter and happiness in life. Now I believe, that no one can replace you. I difficult to find people who like you, I love you guys

A woman has to be intelligent, have charm, a sense of humor, and be kind. It's the same qualities I require from a man [Elbert Hubbard]
Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart [Alan Alda]
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies [Oscar Wilde]
Don't walk behind me. I may not lead. Don't walk in front of m. I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend [George Washington]
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer [Albert Einstein]
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way [Mark Twain]
Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could [Barbara de Angelis]
Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart [Alan Alda]
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies [Oscar Wilde]
Don't walk behind me. I may not lead. Don't walk in front of m. I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend [George Washington]
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer [Albert Einstein]
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way [Mark Twain]
Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could [Barbara de Angelis]

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