Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Posting untuk Sahabatku

Was I willing? Loose some people who was stayed at my heart of heart. I can't proclaim that I was ready for it. Loose them it's same with kill apart of my life. They are my true love, they are my destiny. Peoples who always make me feeling good, feeling happy.

All happiness can I got from them. We are friends forever. There were much events we've passed together. There were much time we've spent together. There were sadness, happiness, jokes, laugh we've made together. All freak things we've shared one by one. I don't wanna be free.

I want to still together with them along my life, along the time. I really really love them. So much, and there is no one can replace them in my heart.
I can't through my life without them.

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, My Best Friends :) Trust me!
And nothing's gonna change my love for you guys


Apakah dugaanku benar atau salah? Aku tidak tahu, aku bingung. Aku dilema antara 2 pikiran itu.
Sangat tidak mungkin jika mereka bersatu, menjadi satu dalam suatu ikatan perasaan. Banyak perbedaan, bahkan mereka lebih cocok adik kakak dibanding seorang pasangan. Tapi, sore ini, sikap X sungguh menunjukan betapa pedulinya dia pada Y. X memang susah ditebak dan selalu misterius. Dia care, mencari informasi demi si Y. Agar si Y tidak kebingungan.

Apa itu berari benar si X juga mempunyai rasa yang sama dengan Y? Benarkah itu?

Aku rasa, hanya waktu yang bisa menjawabnya.....

New Laptop!!!!

Waaah seneng banget! What a happy I am! Aku dapet laptop baru dari mamaku tercinta :D
Thanks mom :)
Laptopnya keren banget, ACER ASPIRE 4736. Beeh Intel Centrino, suaranya jernih banget, layarnya LED, tajam dan jernih. IGB Memory, harddisk 320GB. Mantap!

Thanks, mam :D Aku akan jaga laptop baruku dengan baik dan benar. Gak kayak yang lama. Tak jaga biar awet, hehe

I lost all -____-

Aku kehilangan banyak data, video dan foto. Tau gak kenapa? Itu, gara-garanya laptop Axioo diganti hard disk, soalnya yang sebelume rusak. Akhirnya, semua data tidak dapat diselamatkan. Termasuk dataku :(

Aku harus minta lagi ke Krisanti beberapa foto. Terus aku kehilangan koleksi video amatir yang aku untuk kenangan dari 9C nanti :(
Njelalah hla kok semuane yo hilang, waah waah gak bejo

Tapi, apa boleh buat? Ikhlasin aja deh. Ndang buat lagi aja. Hahaha mau buat yang lebih bagus dan baik, hehe :D

Trust Me!!

Though I passed the life which is full of difficult to, full of hurdles and obstacles, I'm still grinning through it. Because someone had told me "Life is just a moment, only once. So, why make difficult to? Make it all beautiful and face with pleasure"

Do not ever give up to try. I ever felt betrayed, I just ever felt exploited. But, I have forgiven those who have did it to me. Because life should be fixed with kindness.

Thanks to my friend, who had been faithfully to accompany me. Coloring my life with laughter and happiness in life. Now I believe, that no one can replace you. I difficult to find people who like you, I love you guys

My Friends

Senin, 28 Maret 2011


Short meeting and went very quickly
I thought not immediately hypnotized by you
At least you could be mine
Though not long, it has made me happy

You made ​​my life meaningless without you
Now you're gone and I'm hypnotized by you
At least you could be mine
Though not long, it has made me happy

With a big problem (faced)
much for it (for me)
At least you could be mine
Though not long, it has made me happy
Short meeting and went very quickly

(english version dari Pertemuan Singkat)