Was I willing? Loose some people who was stayed at my heart of heart. I can't proclaim that I was ready for it. Loose them it's same with kill apart of my life. They are my true love, they are my destiny. Peoples who always make me feeling good, feeling happy.
All happiness can I got from them. We are friends forever. There were much events we've passed together. There were much time we've spent together. There were sadness, happiness, jokes, laugh we've made together. All freak things we've shared one by one. I don't wanna be free.
I want to still together with them along my life, along the time. I really really love them. So much, and there is no one can replace them in my heart.
I can't through my life without them.
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, My Best Friends :) Trust me!
And nothing's gonna change my love for you guys