Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Yoraku Sayang

Seorang sahabat itu bisa menyembuhkan luka hati

Menarikmu dari nada-nada sedih yang melingkupi

Menerangi langitmu yang kelabu

Menjernihkan dusta-dusta yang menipu

Seorang sahabat selalu siap dengan tangan terbuka

Untuk menghiburmu dan melindungimu dari marabahaya

Untuk membantu menyimpan segala rahasiamu

Untuk menemanimu saat kamu ingin bersenang-senang

Seorang sahabat selalu ada disampingmu, dalam suka dan duka

Dalam saat-saat bahagia atau penuh ketakutan

Selalu menyenangkan dan selalu ceria

Dan ikatan diantara sahabat akan senantiasa abadi


Buat YORA tersayang, MESSAGE :Yor, aku sayang sama kamu. Aku gamau ditinggalin sama kamu. Aku takut kangen kamu, aku maunya kamu tetep disini. Gak boleh pergi Yor :'(

Yor kamu tau ? kalo aku kangen kamu, pasti airmataku berlinang. Aku gamau nangisin kamu Yor. Kalian itu separuh jiwaku, jadi kalo salah satu dari kalian pergi, aku bagaikan hidup dengan jiwa yang tak utuh. Kamu tau kan itu gimana ?

Yor inget ya ? pokonya disana kamu ga boleh nakal, ga boleh sedih, ga boleh lupain kita ya ?

BERAT yor lepasin kamu :'(

Aku sayang kamu banget :*

SMS ku ini disimpen yaa ? baca sewaktu-waktu :* jangan dihapus ! LOVE YOU :') :*

note by fani safitri

Yor, Aku, Cynthia, Fani, Shierly dan Gita sangaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatt sayang sama kamu! Kami akan sangat merindukanmu, baik-baik disana yaa :(

Senin, 21 November 2011

Prapastikara Big Camp 2011 #Part2

At the 2nd day, saturday 19th November, there were some competition. Kinda forget what kind of it, but cooking competition, hiking, finding flag.The competition was great! I think there's no boring side at that day. Cooking team are ahmad, bangon n Julian. Finding flag are Me n Erlangga. Hiking are Lukas, Prayoga, n Royce.

Coocking team : They made a soup and fried chicken with soy sauce! Well the taste was yummy enough! Haha

These are the photos from cooking competition

Hiking : Yap! Based on the name, they had to walk around based the lane


Finding Flag : We gotta find the clue, clue, and clue to find the flag.

Well in the second day, Our team felt fucking nervous. You know why? Because at night there will be a camp fire and PENSI! oh my Gooooooooooood! We had prepared our perform but we still felt nervous. We gave them a dance. We acted like a boy band within famous korea song.

Before the pensi

Oh yeaaaa, after diner, we were feeling so fucking nervous at tent. We practice our motion inside there. The camp fire was great. The fire was fucking hot and big! Haha but we enjoy that night, though the weather was cold and we didn't wear a jacket.

Taraaaaaaaaaaaaa.... PENSI TIME! The perform has been opened by Aksel. They gave a drama. XA acoustic, XB dance n sing, XC unknown, XD Boy band dance, XE Acoustic, XF sang a song, XG sang a song, XH sang a song. But I think the best performance came from my class!!! XD!

Oh My God, when we were dancing everyone was cheering, screaming, laughing at us! Gooooodd!! They seemed very love our dance n songs! Hahaha thank you for the attention.

After that, we felt very proud, happy and satisfied because we had presented our best to them! And you know what, we received much congrats :) Thank Yooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! I love the audiences!!

Time to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepp!! we slept at 11.23 pm at evening! But when we were sleeping, there was fucking silly activity happened! Seniors asked us to wake and gather together near the camp fire. You know why, we will listen lecture and yeaa sad things! Like Night Reflection! UNIMPORTANT!!!!

Finally it done! We went back to sleep. Oh God, the weather was so cold. And it forced me to look

for warmth. And then I slept within embracing with Julian, hahaha noprob, it made me warm! and Julian too!!

Prapastikara Big Camp 2011 #Part1

Hay guys, I come back with a new stroy. Well in this time I'd like to tell you about my experience when I was camping on Selondo, Ngawi for 3 days. Here we go..
First day, Friday 18th November 2011 we went to selondo by truck. We brought a lot of stuffs in our bags. On the way, we were joking and laughing! Finally we arrived at the place. The place was so beautiful! Green! Cool! and amazing in every side! anw, the location located in the mountain, so the path is hard to be through.
After that, we searched for our place, we made the tent on it. Well it took long time, haha :D
the tent finally stood, then we were on opening ceremony.

ISHOMA and we took a rest for some minutes. Haha well it was an amazing time for us! We felt tired at all. You know what? Poor us, suddenly the rain came!! Oh Gosh! We gotta set the sheeting on the tent. And also it made out tent seemed "Lendong" zzz but no problem, we were still alive inside the tent! Hehe many people went for evacuated to the houses near the location. yeaaaaa but that was a cool story for 1st day

Senin, 14 November 2011

How Evil Me!!

Well I wanna tell something, Its about ehm my friends. Haha In this story, may be will shows me how evil me! Yeaaa but this is the truth. I love a person. call the person as X. But, X in the diffrent class with me, haaaa. I wanna know all about X ofcourse. So, Im thinking how to know about it. Theeeeen.. I found the way. I use my friends who are in the same class with X. I ask them to always watch ever X's motion. And then, I ask the report about X to them. They gimme a report, xoxoxo I am so fucking happy.
Well, thoung in the diffrent class, I still can know X easily :)))

Minggu, 13 November 2011

Different is Beautiful

I'm wondering why much people always judge a person who comes different? Hmm, It sounds weird. I think, the differences make this world be better. There will be so many kind of people. And it also makes us to learn for the every difference.

Why I say that, because I'm different. And I love to come different in the public. But, some of people who meet me always watching at me, judge me because of my difference! Hell for you. I have my own way to live my life. I dont give a Fuck for people like that. Please, respect every people whatever they do and whatever their appearance!

Just Say The Truth

I'm always jealous, when I saw you with your new friends. It feels like, Im not willing to losing you. In my hope, I want to keep with you, wherever, whenever, till the world ends. I dont know why, but you had made me falling in love with you....
Falling in love as friend, best friend. And it's gonna be hard if we separated. You are my hope, and please dont ignore me.

Opening Ceremony SeaGames 2011

Hay hay, so long no see you readers :) How's life? Wish you good. Anw, Its good to see youuuuu.
Here, I'd like to write about ehm opening ceremony of sea games 2011 Indonesia Palembang - Jakarta. Yeaaaaaa.. at this year, Indonesia becomes the host of 26th sea games. If you dont know about sea games, sea games is a sport event, competation in ASEAN regional. The participants come from each country in ASEAN regional.

Well, sea games has a lot of sports that are contested. The opening ceremony has been implemented in Palembang on 11/11/11 ago. The opening was great! I give 4 thumbs for themz!!! You guys, here are the photos

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

You will be loved

Pandangan matamu, hitam iris matamu, senyum manis menggoda di wajahmu serta bau harum yang menyegarkan hatiku. Kau seolah telah menghipnotis aku, menjadikan aku untuk menjadi pengagum dan pecintamu. Ku senang, ku bahagia, ku tenang saat kau dan aku bersama, berdua dalam ruang.

Meski pun kau tak akan pernah tahu tentang ini, tentang aku yang mencintaimu, mengaggumimu serta selalu mengamatimu dalam sempitnya kesempatan. Memang sulit untuk mengungkapkan, bukan sulit, tapi memang tidak mungkin tuk aku ungkapkan saat ini.

Kau telah menjadi penghibur sekaligus penenang hatiku yang baru saja sembuh dari luka masa lalu... Cintamu, akan selalu ada, kenang dan terngiang :)

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Tokoh Idola

Tokoh idola itu juga penyumbang kesuksesan terbesar bagi kita. Mereka memotivasi kita dalam hidup kita untung menjalani kedepannya dengan lebih semangat, maju dan lebih baik.
Memilih tokoh untuk dijadikan idola sangat lah mudah, biasanya itu langsung muncul setelah kesan pertama membaca biografi atau artikel tentang kesuksesan dan pencapaian dari tokoh itu.

Mereka akan memotivasi kita, seperti yang saya alami. Jujur dan saya mengatakan sejujurnya, saya mengidolakan seorang tokoh, Dino Pattil Djalal, namun kini saya jarang mengetahui beritanya. Terakir, Saya mengetahui dia telah menjadi DUBES RI untuk USA. Tentu saya tidak tinggal diam, saya menemukan tokoh idola baru saya, dimana saya mendapatkannya dari teman baik saya. Irfan, dia berkata bahwa dia mengidolakan DAHLAN ISKAN dan anaknya, AZRUL ANANDA. Dia menceritakan tentang Pak Dahlan secara detail, (saya mengetahui sebatas dia adalah dirut PLN dan Jawa Pos). Sungguh kagum dan akhirnya, sejak saat itu pula saya mengidolakan pak Dahlan.

Diluar dugaan saya, ternyata ibu saya juga mengidolakan Pak Dahlan sejak dahulu. Wooww :) Beruntungnya saya karena kini, saya mempunyai tokoh idola baru yang dapat memotivasi saya. Pak Dahlan sungguh luar biasa, silakan cari di Google tentang DAHLAN ISKAN!

Intinya, SAYA MENDAPAT TOKOH IDOLA baru bagi saya :) Dahlan Iskan!

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan (True Story)

Diangkat dari kisah nyata dan novel berjudul sama, film ini menceritakan tentang Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika atau Keke (Dinda Hauw), seorang gadis remaja berusia 13 tahun yang cukup beruntung, karena lahir dari keluarga yang sangat berada, memiliki dua orang kakak laki-laki dan orang tua yang sangat menyayanginya. Selain itu Keke juga di kelilingi 6 sahabat karib yang selalu setia menemaninya dan hidupnya pun semakin lengkap dengan kehadiran seorang kekasih yang juga begitu menyayanginya yaitu Andy (Esa Sigit)

Semuanya tampak begitu sempurna. Sampai kemudian kanker menghinggapinya. Keke adalah pengidap Rhabdomyosarcoma (Kanker Jaringan Lunak) pertama di Indonesia. Gadis cantik itu pun berubah menjadi"monster" hingga terpaksa harus menjalani serangkaian kemotrapi dan radiasi hampir setahun lamanya, akibatnya, semua,rambut Keke sedikit demi sedikit mulai rontok, kulitnya mengering, dan sering mual-mual. Ketekunan Keke dan keluarganya membuahkan hasil. Keke dinyatakan sembuh dan bisa kembali menjalani aktifitas seperti sedia kala.

Tak dinyana, setahun kemudian, kanker itu kembali, lebih parah dan mematikan. Sadar tak mungkin bertahan, tidak lantas membuatnya meyerah dan kalah. Semangatnya untuk tetap menjadi yang terbaik tak sedikitpun melemah. Seperti bintang Sirius yang tetap bersinar terang walau langit tertutup awan

This story is fucking true and real. I want to see this movie soon :)

Selasa, 06 September 2011

I have no friends

Sometimes, when I'm sad I cry, I cry by myself in my dark room without no one there, without no one accompanies me. I was crying when I got a problem. I saw, so many people can be easily to share when they are sad. They have friends, which wants to hear their feeling about. They could back happy as before because of their friends. How about me? I am not :(
I'm always alone, no one cares me. No one here, no one wants to hear me.

Many people always give me a difficult position between two choices. When I had selected, they always judge me, they said I was wrong. I don't know, I don't know what I have to do..
I have best friends, but we are in different class now. Then, they have new friend too, and fool me, I always wish they play with me, pick me in my class, but I was wrong. I want to share with them, but always can not :((
They are fucking happy their new friends

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Something I hate

How is your feeling, when you have a plan that you wanna do but suddenly someone avoids you? How is your feeling when there is a person disturbs your life? How is your feeling when there is a person destroy your way of something?

I know if all of those happen with you.. You will feel so BELLYFUL, ANGRY, CRANKY! Yes, so with me! If it happens with me too, I will feel the same feeling like you. ANGRY, CRANKY and BELLYFUL!

I hate people who have a fucking silly hobby to disturb or avoid other person's plan, life and way.
I hate them so much!

Lemme tell you something. I wish, this words will makes you realize to do not disturb or avoids anyone if they want to do something.

"Everyone has their OWN LIFE and OWN WAY. It's all up to them. We shouldn't disturb or avoid them. Because, we have our OWN! Live your life, and through your own way! let them be what they want to be!"

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

You Changed!

Oh yess, I'm so sad now. There is something bad hits me and I'm feeling bad at all :( Did you know what? The person who I love had gone from me. Hiks hiks... T.T
Naah, I miss the person. I remember, when the first time we met, we didn't knew each other and we seemed so apathetic. Till the time, we were texting everyday everytime. The person used so sweet language and the person stole my heart..

I remember.. all the phase I had spent with the person. When we were happy, when we got argued and when the person told me about the life is. All of that... are sweet, always makes me excited to know. Yeaa, i miss yes I do!! I miss, really I do!! I wish i could get the time back

But now... everything seems so freak. everything has changed. For unexpected reason. The person had gone, leave me. I texted, I never get the reply. I called, I never get the answer.

Poor me... T.T

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Courtship :x

Well, in this post, I`d like to write about ehm you can call this an usual relationship in teenager. Yeaa everyone knows, COURTSHIP. When a person, had came into a teen phase in their life, they will easily find what is the meaning of 'COURTSHIP' and what's that? And I'm so muuuchly sure, they also want to feel the feeling of courtship with the person they love.

I`m a teen now, but I`m not in courtship with anyone now. Hahaha Yeaa, when I was in Junior High School, I did it. but I had broke up with the girl. I have 3 ex girlfriends. Naah, in this phase, high school, I dont want to be in a relationship with any girls. You know why? I have my own reasons why I`m doing that.

1. When I was in relationship, I feel like I can`t do anything as much as I want
2. When I want to do something, I must think twice because I must think about my GF's heart too
3. When I`m in relationship, I can't go with any girl and I can't close with them so much
4. I think, I must spends a lot of money

But... when I`m single, like this..
1. I can do anything as much as I want
2. I`m feeling free to do all that I want
3. I can close with any girls
4. I can hug with any girls, I can touch their hand, and also I can ehmm always with them
5. I dont need to think twice before I do something
6. I can keep my money in my piggybank
7. I`m feeling happy without any problems
8. All I do are... AWESOME!

That are my opinion, I love my single life. I`m happy, fully happy :) Without any problem hits me. When I saw my friends, with their love problems, sometimes I feel pity to them, haha stupid
But, someday, I will find my true love, my wife, the girl who will always standing beside me and keep my love for ever....

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

The Independence Day of Indonesia

Happy 17th of August :) Yeaa everyone, I wanna tell you about this special day in my state. Did you know? Today is Indonesia's Independence day! At this time, Indonesia had its new age, 66 year old.
Yeaaa every indonesian celebrates this event, they feel happy and excited to follow all activities about independence day. Yeaa, everyone loves this day so much :)

They wish for alot of pray. They wish in this new age, Indonesia will gets much new changes, be better in new age, and all problems who hits Indonesica can be solved by peace.
We will keep the MERAH PUTIH flying high up in the sky and we will not let anyone to destroy our state and we will keep our state :)

Never reduces the flag :)


Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Crazy Saturday with XD Boys

You guys, read this one. Hoho I`m posting crazy and mad entri now. That was about my experience ehm or a story of my friends and I when we did a stupid n silly activity in the class after school ;) wanna know? Read it!

Today, [saturday 13th 2011] I had my best day in this week. Did you know why? Hmm.. I had spent my weekend with XD boys. We were rocking in the class!! Haha nah! we never had an intention what will we do at that time.

The first plan why we're still in the class though school had done, we will make yelyels and costume design for the yelyel comeptation in smada's birthday. After that, many of them were went home, so they were only 7 boys in the class. nah! why we didnt even went home? We were online and then......................

Yeaaaaaaaaaaa!! We were dancing like a dumb! We made our silly videos, by korean music videos, western music videos and many others. So, that was so cute baby :) they seemed very nice in dancing and they moved by themselves :D no worry, no shyness and no sadness. we were dancing and singing together by music vidoes in the lcd screen

So, that was so excited and pretty cool :)

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Back to 9C

Hey guys... I will tell you about ehm HAPPY story (mine) haha I hope you'll like it and also can feel what I feel too. cheers ;)

Yeaa, yesterday, we had visited our junior high school, SMP 1 Madiun. We, I mean me and my friends in sma 2, sma 1 and sma 3. We visited there, because we miss the peoples at there. All stuff too and the kids. We wore our own uniform from different high school.
I met my friend from sma 1, sma 3. I took photos with them, because I miss them.

And... the best part when I visited there is, my friends and I who ec 9C Student are gathered together in our class, 9C :) Ohh we miss our class. I was remembering when I play, when I tell, when I joke, and all. I miss that place so much :)

But, not all 9C student came into class. just some of them. But its not a problem, we are still happy and can smile infront of each other ;) love yaaa

Idiot Dude!

You are the most fucking shit boy ever I know. You just hide your bad attitude from the other. And U're yelling and insluting everyone because of their bad. In fact, YOU HAVE SO MUUUCCHH BAD ATTITUDE that no one knows about that.

Big Big Fucking STUPID!!! Damn and shit. I just wanna insult you. And I dont wanna be your friend, FAKE DUDE! Do not disturb me or Imma give a fuck for yaaa!! yeaah :D

You also wrote falsehoods about me, you slander me infront of them. You.... STUPID!!
Now, It's my turn to open your CARD!
Bloody Hell!! Never know and will never know the inside side of you, you idiot.


I`m still feeling alone. Without anyone beside me. In the new class, I try to get a friend, but I dont even cannot. Yeaa, I hear they insult me, and mock me. But I dont thought them. Maybe, bcause I admit them..... NOTHING!

And they will never appear. It means, yeaa I have no friends, I have no partners, I`m independent here! And do it alone.

I miss to make friend, Like I did in 9C a year ago.When I got friends easily without any obstacle infront of me. And they deserve to be called FRIENDS :)
The point all of this is, I miss all moments I had spent with 9C and the peoples inside. How we smile, how we play, how we make friend and how we are happy without any sadness

9C :)

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

ISBN: 9789792267662

Author: Iwan Setyawan


Date Published: Februari 2011

Publisher: Gramedia Pustaka Utama


Dimensions (cm): 13.5 x 20

Price:Rp 47.000

Online Price: Rp 39.950

Review :

Di kaki Gunung Panderman, di rumah berukuran 6 x 7 meter, seorang anak laki-laki bermimpi. Kelak, ia akan membangun kamar di rumah mungilnya. Hidup bertujuh dengan segala sesuatu yang terbatas, membuat ia bahkan tak memiliki kamar sendiri. Bapaknya, sopir angkot yang tak bisa mengingat tanggal lahirnya. Sementara ibunya, tidak tamat Sekolah Dasar. Ia tumbuh besar bersama empat saudara perempuan. Tak ada mainan yang bisa diingatnya. Tak ada sepeda, tak ada boneka, hanya buku-buku pelajaran yang menjadi "teman bermain"-nya. Di tengah kesulitan ekonomi, bersama saudara-saudaranya, ia mencari tambahan uang dengan berjualan di saat bulan puasa, mengecat boneka kayu di wirausaha kecil dekat rumah, atau membantu tetangga berdagang di pasar. Pendidikanlah yang kemudian membentangkan jalan keluar dari penderitaan. Dan kesempatan memang hanya datang kepada siapa yang siap menerimanya. Dengan kegigihan, anak Kota Apel dapat bekerja di The Big Apple, New York. Sepuluh tahun mengembara di kota paling kosmopolit itu membuatnya berhasil mengangkat harkat keluarga sampai meraih posisi tinggi di salah satu perusahaan top dunia. Namun tak selamanya gemerlap lampu-lampu New York dapat mengobati kenangan yang getir. Sebuah peristiwa mengejutkan terjadi dan menghadirkan seseorang yang membawanya menengok kembali ke masa lalu. Dan pada akhirnya, cinta keluargalah yang menyelamatkan semuanya.

Bundelan kertas penting yang disesaki hikayat kerja keras, kehangatan keluarga, dan perantauan. Sungguh sebuah praktik man jadda wajada yang terang. Selamat mereguk semangat perjuangan dan kesabaran anak sopir angkot di sudut Jawa Timur yang berkilau di New York. Inspiratif.

--A. Fuadi, Penulis best seller trilogi Negeri 5 Menara

....most of all it is a story of dreams come true, sharply focused by a person who knows what he wants. Certainly very relevant in today`s world which needs the dose of positive energy that Mr Iwan Setyawan delivers.

--Wimar Witoelar, Authority in journalism, public relations and communication

Menggugah. Iwan berhasil membahasakan dengan ringan dan renyah bahwa pendidikan dan determinasi hidup adalah sahabat sejati perbaikan nasib manusia.

--Anas Urbaningrum, Penulis, pencinta kuliner nusantara, politisi

Kisah Iwan menjadi bukti nyata tentang efek pendidikan.

--Anies Baswedan, Rektor Universitas Paramadina dan Ketua Indonesia Mengajar

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Math!! Fuck Yess!!

Bloody hell! I will post a new entri about MATH in High School! Maybe, some of you (readers) has know, what a hard math in HS to understand! Yeaa I feel that too. I`m feeling hard, when the math comes. I dont know why. But, basicly, I dont like math so much since I was in elementary school.

But! The awakwrd part about math is.. I always get best mark of it. for example, in the National Examination ago, I got 9.75 for Math! what the fuck! It's good yeaa :)

After I know what math is, in High school. My hatred to math is increasing! I even dont know how to start doing the exercise. Im scared, if I get bad mark in the test later :(
How...!! God, help me to through it..

New, but SAD

Hey guys, so long we dont talk (anw we are talking ha?) Yaaa, now, I'd tell you about me and my new experience. If you wanna know, check this out ;)

Guys.. I`m spending my all day as 10 grade in X-D smada. Well, it kinda boring because, yaa I even dont get a bestfriend there. therefore, I`m feeling alone, lonely and seems like "what the fuck! This is Hell yaa!"

Not only that, I have 2 peoples who I hate so much! You know why? It because, emm they disturb my life and interfered my life. They even dont know me inside, but they are sooooo FUCK!
Because that, when the break time comes, I always spend it with my bestfriend and friend fromX-E. Usually with cynthia, uli, dherta, afin, tata, irfan, fatma. Yaa my JHS friends.

But I realize, it will never be soo looong. I have get my ablity to adaptation with them. with new classmates, new atmosphere and all new inside. Be Happy, Arfi!!

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

New day as new student in the new school

Tomorrow is MONDAY, July 11 2011. You know what does it mean? Yeaaaa, the vacation had been ended!! All students overall in my state (INDONESIA) are back to school, back to study, meet the teachers, friends, school stuffs.

And............ Me! I aint go to Kartini No. 4 anymore, but I will go to Biliton No. 24. Thats my new school, my HIGH SCHOOL :) Yes, Im a new student in there and I'll meet alot of new peoples, new stuffs, new atmosphere, and all new. The first day will be started with PRA-MOS activity. It means, ehmm school introducing. We shall know more about our new school ;)

And at that day, we shall know our new class and new class mate. I wish, I can get like 9C.
Enough to say for tomorrow, wish me luck in my new school, wish me can find alot of new good friends and I wish be better for everythin' .... AMIN :D

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Having fun :)

hey guys, the holidays will be up... and this is time to back to school, back to study. Prepare yourself, mental, books, pens, and alot of school stuffs :D be good student

and, I thought alot of ppls will makes the last holiday be fun. and so with me. I made my last holiday to be fun and unforgetable :) today, saturday July, 9th 2011 at 10.00 am, I went to grape with my friends.... :D
we are getting fun at there, took alot of photos, plays with the waterfall, and so muuch other

Naah the trip started in my home. Semua kumpul dirumahku jam 9 pagi. Tapi namanya juga anak INDONESIA, gak pernah ontime. Mereka janjian jam 9 tpi datang sampe jam 10 siang. Yaudah deh, akhirnya berangkat jam 10. Dan pesertanya...... Arfian, Tata, Rigel, Almas, Husna, Krisanti, Dian, Dimitri dan Tyo. Semua goncengan pakai motor, kecuali Dian ;)

Wuush gila, pemandangan di jalan emnuju Grape keren, bener-bener keren banget. Jalannya menaik ke atas, dan Tata bawa motornya dengan kencaaaaaaaangg!!
Pas sampai di Grape, kita malah terusin untuk menuju air terjun yang masih beberapa lagi ke atas Grape. Kita ngelewatin hutan yang rindang banget, pohonnya tinggi deh.

Pas sampe disana, alamak... jalannya turun banget, berbatu. Dan ada insiden :DD Husna, anak yg tidak terimaan, melabrak tukang parkir cz heran kok mahal banget parkirnya. Hadeh, akhirnya dijelasin sm tukange tpi tetep ae ngeyel -__-

Bener-bener, jalan menuju lokasi sangat MEMPERIHATINKAN!! Jalannya curam, rusak, gak terawat banget deh kayaknya -__-" Pas sampai di air terjun, yaa hawa sejuk banget. Air yang jatuh dari atas begitu bening dan bersih :) Suasana sejuk. Gak lupa dong, kita foto-foto :DD

Perjalanan menuju lokasi air terjun

Disitu kita mainan air, foto-foto, guyon, cekakakan, dll deh. Pokoknya sama 8B seru abis!!
Semua pada happy, sama pasangan masing2, wakaka. Sampe kita ketemu anak alay nggilani huek cuih gaya andika kangen band!! hahahay

Batu Cinta (Husna said)

Me with Rigel on the rock

big smile in the pool

Dirasa puas dan hari mulai siang, serta sektor tengah sudah tidak bisa diajak kompromi, kiat CABUT!

Naah ini, perjuangan yang dinanti! Kembali ke PUNCAK! Dengan mendaki. Oh My Bloody God! Eh eh ada ssuatu yg lucu waktu nyebrangi sungai.Tau gak? Tata kepleset, akhire nyemplung, wuiakakakakakakka GILA!!! Konyol abis!! Sampe diliatin banyak orang sekitar. Tata ngelawak ae, ahahayy

Dan uuuhh ahhh uuuhhh ahhh uuhh aaah.. tuk wa tuk wak tuk wa mendaki ke puncak yang melelahkan. Sampe, haju baru lempoh (RIGEL). Oh bloody hell!! Harus dikasih eksalator atau gak lift --" bener2 perjuangan keras deh untuk mencapai puncak.

Hyuk yaak, perjuangan!!

Dan semakin extreme saat................ Tata dengan puedenya gonceng aku naik motor ke atas, mana ngebut dan ada mobil dari depan..........Aaaaaaaaaaaaa GILA!! Pinggang remuk
Berterika pun tak dapat dihindari :o

Yeaaa berhasil :D

Sampe semuanya pada ngguyu, ngakak, karena ulahku dan Tata!! Hahahahayy :D
Habis itu, kita acara makan siang, makannya ke mie ayam jalan salak ;) Yummy, makan dengan lahab dan kenyang.

Hari itu selesai setelah makan siang :) Semua pulang dengan senang yey

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

SMADA, I'm coming :)

Hey guys, so long I dont post any entri nowadays, haha are you miss me, ha? Yes yess, I know, you are abseloutly miss me, hihi. Here, Im back. Back with a happy, wonderful, yes, story. Wanna know? Read this ONE!!

Since 1st of July till 4th of july, there is a PPDB (Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru) or we call that "Registration Day" when we are as student have to enrolled ourselves to our destination school. Each student has their own destination, and ME, I enrolled my self at the most favorite high school in my city, SMA Negeri 2 Madiun or we can call it, SMADA :)

I enrolled my self at the second day, I was so nervous. Because, too many students are enrolled too. Im fear, If I cant accepted at there :(
Well, I came at 1.00 PM in the aftnoon, there are very quite people at there. You know why? because the registration had been closed since 12.00 PM. But what a lucky I am!! I can still accepted to enrolled my self :) pretty nice

When I have done, I saw my position in 70th from 256 student in the list. Well since that, Im sooo muuuch sure that I'm a smada student since that :D hahaha
but, the registration day aint end yet. day by day come and go, and finally, I got my last position, in 75th :) yeaa not too bad

Yeaa thats my position, I was done, Im a SMADA STUDENT now...... :)) I cant believe yet!!
Too wonderful and amazing, awesome, fucking awesome :D

Senin, 06 Juni 2011

GEMA finally release!

HaiHaiHai :))
Aku kasi tau yaaaaa, today Im so happy :D do you know why? Let me tell you, it because Gema finally realease! Yeaah comes with all new. more innovative, more interactive and better than before. Ternyata, kerja keras dan susah payah anak-anak redaksi GEMA dapat membuahkan hasil yang memuaskan.

Dan sementara ini, rating dan komentar dari anak-anak cukup memuaskan. Kami sangat menerima saran, komentar dan kritik dari kalian semua para readers :D Thanks for reading and buying :) I Love You..........................

Anw, this is some photos from the cover

kandidat foto masih banyak lagi, gak cuma ini.

And finally..........................
We chooce this one to become the cover of gema!!

Yaa, emang gak salah kalau kita jadi cover majalahnya. Tampang kita too cool dan kece kok. Hehe, selain itu, gak ada yang minat jadi cover :D

Farewell Night

Hey guys, Im back with new story. At this time, I'd like to tell you about the FAREWELL PARTY of SMP 1 Madiun 5th of June @Hotel Merdeka from 6.00pm till 10.00pm. Wanna know the story is? Check this one!

Perpisahan tahun ini beda banget sama tahun lalu. Tahun ini, kita make model wisuda. Jadi, kita harus berpakaian formal. Untuk pria wajib menggunakan jas, sedangkan wanita menggunakan kebaya. Perpisahan dimulai pukul 6.30 pm di Hall Hotel Merdeka Madiun. Jam 6 udah banyak yg datang, cewek cowok semua keliatan glamor dan luxury banget. Ganteng n cantik semua deh :)

Diawal udah foto-foto. Termasuk aku, berfoto dengan teman-teman sekelasku. Bagas, Iqbal, Hendra, dll banyak deh pokoknya. Habis sama mereka, foto lgi (diajak) sama dherta dkk, Rigel, Naras dan banyak lagi, wah beneran laris malam itu. Mereka semua terlihat anggun dan cantik.

Akhirnya kita masuk ruangan yang emang udah banyak yang duduk di tempat duduk yang bertuliskan sesuai no. absen masing-masing di kelas. Acara dimulai dengan doa, menyanyikan national anthem song dan iringan penari yg masuk. Setelah itu sambutan-sambutan dan finally saatnya wisuda.

Dalam wisuda, nama dipanggil 1 per 1 tiap kelas untuk diwisuda. Mereka naik ke atas stage dan menerima laporan belajar serta berjabat tangan dengan kepala sekolah, ketua komite, dll lagi. Oiyaa, di proses wisuda ini juga danem dibacakan.

Naah ini dia sesi yang paling ditunggu sama anak-anak. Yupp!! Free Session! Alias sesi bebas! Maksudnya, kita bebas mau ngapain aja, ya tentu camera udah pada already untuk foto-foto.
Duh, langsung nyebar semua, sama ini itu diajak foto :)
Banyak banget foto di kameraku, lebih dari 160.

Dan yang spesial ada 4 foto. Foto dengan sahabatku, foto sekelas 9C, foto sama erza, foto dengan bu Anik dan bu Siti Haryani.

Foto dengan 9C (kiri) dan 5 Sahabat baikku (kanan)

Foto dg Dherta, Ayu, April (kiri) dan dengan My Special Someone

foto dgn sucess guys (kiri) dan foto some guys from 9C (kanan)

with Mrs. Haryani (kiri) dan Mrs. Anik (kanak)

Sebenernya banyak banget fotonya. Itu aku upload berdasar katgori aja. Kalau mau lihat lebih banyak bisa buka album foto di profil facebookku :) haha
Pokoknya malam perpisahannya keren! Semuanya lancar, sukses dan berkesan.