hello readers :)
glad i could re-write in my blog . After i have not done for a month entries . Now , i will write the story . Actually not too important and not very useful, but enough to make me tired for typing. I hope God bless me
First , saya mau mengucapkan SELAMAT MENUNAIKAN IBADAH PUASA . ( Puasa tidak puasa tetap saya ucapkan selamat ) . Baru kemarin , hari pertama bulan ramadhan saya lewati dengan baik dan cukup berarti . Ternyata , hari pertama bulan ramadhan jatuh pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2010 , dan for you to know , hari itu , bertepatan dengan 5 Bulan RZARV . Yeah , my reletionship anniversary . I felt quite happy and even very happy, do not forget to also happy. And I, thank God. Because of Him, this relationship is still intact is no less a thing until this second. Thank God .