Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

Opening Ceremony 4th PorProv Jatim 2013 Madiun

Greet warm dedicates to my loyal and lovely reader :) Hows life people? Its been several months i didnt write about historical story, lol. So in time im back and bringing u a story about Opening Ceremony of 4th PorProv Jatim 2013 which is held in my city, Madiun.

Porprov adalah Pekan Olahraga Provinsi yang diadakan tiap 2 tahun sekali disemua provinsi di Indonesia. Di Jawa Timur ini adalah kali ke 4 PorProv diadakan. PorProv ke 4 kali ini, Madiun kotaku menjadi tuan rumah pembukaan sekaligus penyelenggara Porprov. 
Event besar yang rencananya diadakan hingga tanggal 29 juni mendatang memiliki cabang olahraga yang dipertandingkan seperti futsal, sepakbola, tennis, bulu tangkis, voli pantai, atletik, dll. 

Nah spesifik ditulis ini, saya akan membahas tentang persiapan upacara pembukaannya atau opening ceremony Porprov ke 4 ini. 
OC didesign semegah, sespektakuler dan sesempurna mungkin. Tak tanggung-tanggung, dana 2.5M digelontorkan pemerintah dan penyelenggara untuk menyukseskan pembukaan ini. Sederet penammpilan disuguhkan seperti tari gambyong massal 800 siswi SMA-SMK se-Madiun, ada juga tim koreo dan paduan suara 1600 siswa-siswi SMA-SMK se-Madiun, marching band dari SMP 1 dan 13, serta tak lupa The TRIAD Band! 

Latian dimulai sejak bulan april untuk tari gambyong. Sedangkan koreo dilaksanakan latian mulai pertengahan Mei sebelum UKK hingga 22 Juni siang. Nah! Disinilah saya akan bercerita semua kejadian selama latihan koreo ini. Oiya, sebelumnya saya termasuk dari 1600 tim koreo OC ini. 
Koreo dipesertai oleh siswa siswi SMA 1 2 3 4 5 6 serta SMK 1 dan 3. Dipimpin oleh Mas Gepeng dan tim-nya. Hari demi hari terus dilaksanakan latihan, dari pukul 7 hingga 10. Kita diajarkan banyak attraksi gerakan dan tahap-tahap ditamapilkannya gerakan2 tsb. 
Setiap harinya, latihan koreo tak lepas dari amarah dan emosi serta terikan dari mas Gepeng yang beragam. Seperti misalnya ketidakkompakan, kesalahan gerak, dll. Ada 2 sekolah yang memang sangat susah diatur dan diajak kerjasama, yang tentunya bukan dari SMA 2, hehe. Gerakan selalu salah, sehingga harus diulang terus dan yang jelas menimbulkan kemarahan peserta lain dan Mas Gepeng tentunya. Jelas saja, latihan yang dilakukan di stadion wilis yg sekaligus menjadi venue OC itu terasa sangat menyiksa karena membakar habis kulit oleh sinar matahari yang panasnya nembus sampe bagian kulit terdalam. Ada lagi 1 sekolah yang duhduh bener-bener bikin jengkel, tempat duduknya serba mawut ngga karuan sampe nyebar sana-sani. Yang bikin saya dan teman-teman marah adalah ketika siswa2 yang mendapatkan bendera khusus tempat duduknya tidak boleh berganti, termasuk saya. Eh, pas latihan tempat duduk kami ditempati siswa-sisiwi dari sekolah tsb yang sontak kami usir saja mereka. Herannya lagi, pembina mereka sungguh ngga kompeten dalam mengatur muridnya. Pokoknya 3 sekolah itu bener-bener ampun deh, berasa lebih baik mereka gaikut alias dicopot saja! 

Ada satu peristiwa yang benar-benar mencenangkan dan mengagetkan. Terjadi pada tanggal 22 Juni pukul 10. Hari itu kami latihan koreo seperti biasa. Waktu, tempat dan suasana panas yang sama tentunya. Latihan diakhiri pukul 10 pagi. Seperti biasa setelah latihan kami menuju tangga kiri panggung untuk keluar stadion. Ketika tim koreo sedang antri diatas panggung untuk turun menuju pintu keluar, tiba-tiba panggung utama yang saat itu seedang menahan beban 1300an anak, ambrol dan semua anak yang sedang antri diatas panggung tengggelam dan jatuh seketika. Sontak seluruuh tim yang sedang melakukan gladi resik panik dan berlari ke arah mereka untuk membantu. Mobi-mobil PMI dan ambulans berdatangan. Untung saja saat itu saya masih berada ditribun karena saya menunggu sepi untuk turun keluar stadion. Pristiwa itu sangat cepat dan mengagetkan. Tersiarr kabar, 30an luka ringan, 5 orang patah tulang dan Mas Gepeng tertimpa sound system karena memang saat itu ia berada dibawah panggung untuk memberi pengarahan kepada teknisi.
Semua mata terpana pada TKP, para panitia membantu korban-korban keluar dari runtuhan panggung. 
Setelah keadaan cukup aman, kami yang tersisa dikeluarkan dari stadion satu per satu dan saat itu juga area sekitar stadion disterilkan. 

Waktu saya buka socmed seperti twitter dan facebook, beh saya kaget! Banyak sekali orang yang berkicau tentang yang intinya "Itulah kuasa Allah, jika kau sepelekan Dia! Itu masih hal kecil wahai pemerintah dan pelaksana" dengan variasi tweet dan status facebook yang beragam tapi masih dengan 1 inti sama. Well, memang malam sebelumnya, karena keadaan akan hujan dan gladi belum dilakuukan sedangkan acara sudah sangat mepet, seluruh peserta dan tim diminta untuk tidak shalat magrib 1x saat itu, karena ya memang waktu sangat tidak memungkinkan. Nah disitulah, para remaja termasuk remaja brutal yang tiba-tiba berubah jadi sok agamis dan bersorak menghujat acara. I think, theres no way to justify this crap!

Tapi, syukur Alhamdulillah, pada tanggal 22 Juni pukul 19.30 - 23.00 acara Pembukaan Pekan Olahraga Provinsi Jawa Timur, lancar, sukses dan resmi dilaksanakan. Kerja keras selama ini akhirnya terbayar lunas!
Dan hormat kami untukmu, Mas Gepeng! 

Suasana Upacara Pembukaan Porprov Jatim ke 4 di Madiun

Penampilan TRIAD Band

Selamat berjuang para atlet! Junjung tinggi sportifitas dan fair play! Pemenang sesungguhnya adalah mereka yang bertanding dengan bakat demi prestasi! Salam Olahraga!!

Senin, 17 Juni 2013

And Then You Came

They say, the best people come in your life when you least expect it. I was depressed and my heart ached, and then you came. You taught me how to love and how important God was.

You had the answers to all my questions. I miss the way you told me bedtime stories. The hours we've spend texting about the most random things. I didn't even notice how I fell in love with you. With every part of you. I fell in love with your hair, your brown eyes and your crooked smile.

I got used to you, used to everything. Everyone said I changed. In only three months. No one could ever do what you did and I love you for that.

I love you so bad that I can't think of you without crying. It's like my heart is exploding and screaming your name. Over and over again.

I love you so much that I would donate my kidney to you. Because a life without you is no love. Without you, my dearest,my love...there's no me.

You're the brightest of all. The sweetest of all. And still i'm waiting, craving for the moment you ask me to marry you. I guess that's all I ever want. Marry you, be my wife forever, share the same life, same bed, same house. To share with you is all I ever want to do. But even if the day won't come, and you find love in someone else... please know that you're the bluest sky.

Maybe God has other plans for both of us. Still I pray, each day, for us to get together someday.

Not so sure what love is

Sometimes I am not sure what love is. Sometimes I would find myself asking is this how love is suppose to feel?

There used to be days I was really sure what it is. Moment of first love that innocent fluttering feeling which comes out and lives within me with excitement made me confident this was probably was love was. Fresh and new and full of excitement. Then in the midst of smiles and laughter, tears came along..with anger and pain. What seem to me like it was everlasting love, flew out of the window in just a blink of an eye. Questions began to rise, isn't love suppose to be everlasting? or is it just a spur of the moment thing? Can you really lose love with time?

Second and third relationships ended up the same way. Things such as 'I felt love in the beginning, but somehow I lost it with you... you'd be better off with another better girl' became a common quote. Innocent image of love gets lost in the process. All you'd recall is just how 'love' doesn't last and that well maybe you just don't know what exactly love is.

Funny, how easy it is sometimes to forget all those happy moments you share with a person that you've build together for a period of time in just a blink of an eye... then later on only recall the pain which acts as the base for the defensive mechanism you unknowingly build around you. Sometimes I guess maybe I chose not to believe in love so I don't get hurt again.

I'm back again on the track but I am not sure what I am feeling is really love, or just a longing to be with someone, since I've seem to have a misconception. The image of love began to be blurry. What exactly it is begins to be uncertain. I doubt almost everything and just things flow, but I can't really feel like I am all there.

In the end I am still not sure.

Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

I May Not.. But it's fair

The first sentence i'd love to write is.. I may not as perfect as him, as them, but I have my own perfection.
Well indeed, my life is just different and me different too. I admit it. I'm not that kind of boy which is really good at basketball or volley or else. I'm not that kind of boy who can finish a math test nicely. I'm not that kind of boy who is able to arrange pretty words into a particularly beautiful sentences, well I'm just not.
I was jealous, I was envy, I was so weak and I was so frustrated about my own.
A friend of mine have ever told me something for person who is not really good understanding faith like me and she said "God is just fair to give you your life". I doubted that at first, but God never! He showed me everything about. And here...
i dont have to train so hard just to win a title of champion in basketball or volley or else otherwise that boy got a disability in understanding lessons at school because he just too much on focusing his championship, and he lost. He left behind then.
I dont have to pay for lotta money just to teach me more about math more than my teacheer have given to me at class so that i could be smarter than any other students in the class. Well, school is not a competition. it's about how we understand it, use it, and apply it to our life so then we can be useful for our own self, people and this country then.
And i dont have to get conflicted with girls because of what ive sent to them but they admited that as a romantically love sentences dedicated to them, in fact thats not true. And it causes overanalyze and directly drirves me to stresses.
God just wants me to enjoy the life He had given and fill it with joyful, happiness as long as I breath still before my time to to back to Him is coming. So then i can do anything as much as i want to, i can bring the happiness to people i'd want to, i just can without any problems haunt me over.
He created us with a justice. We have abilities who other people dont, and we also have different disabilities with other people. It means, just balance.
Just think it over like seriously... Behind your sorrow and sadness for not realizing your excess, they actually are still standing and waiting for you to realize them.

With Love..