Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

F4 (Forever Four)

Cynthia krisnawati sukamto...
Arfian syahriza adhyatama...
Pridherta jatu fernanda...
Irfan maulana...
Dua cewe memiliki pasangan dan dua cowok berjomblo ria menjadi satu pasangan yang serasi.. Yap kita emang gilaaa , kita memikiki perbedaan masing masing yang unik , namun perbedaan itulah yang membuat kita menjadi seperti seekor ulat yang nantinya menjadi kupu2 indah...

Cynthia ... Siapa sih yang gak kenal cewek yang cantik ini, cewek yang udah sangat melekat dengan ''cynthia mantannya luki?'' Adalah çewek yg fashionable, pendengar yg baik serta ada satu ciri khas yg unik "dhr, ar, fan, eruh kunci motorku gak?", hahaha konyol memang. Cynthia ini sahabatku paling awet, udah hampir 5 tahun aku bersahabt dengannya. Dia itu bgai bunga dg banyak kumbang. Tp ini akhirnya ada 1 mbang yg terus menempa di dia, satya

Arfian... Siapa lagi yang gak kenal cowok satu ini, eksis dikalangan anak sma.. dengan postur tubuh tinggi ganteng mapan.. kehebatan dari cowok ini adalah dia sangat loyal dengan semua teman-temannya dan bagi kalian para ladies jangan raguin kesetiaannya dan keromantisannya.. tapi jangan kaget dia mempunyai jiwa kewanitaan juga looo yaitu hobi shoping dan mengejar diskon what the hell.... hahahaha

Dherta... Cewek yang terkenal feminin banget ini gak lepas dari sebutan 'endel'.. gadis yang lucu , gendut, dan cantik ini meiliki pribadi yang disenangi teman-temannya lucu, baik gak suka marah dan pengertia sama temen2nya.. yaa walaupun dia sagat norak ketika dia menganggumi dirinya sendiri hahahaha... tapi itulah yang membuat kita kangen denangnnya...

Irfan... Kalo lagi ngomongin ini bocah bingung deh mau nulis apaan ? Yaaa ditulis seadanya aja yaaaa.. cowok dengan gaya stay cool namun dibelakang itu semua dia dipnuhi otak jahil dan omongan banyol yang begitu kriuk mengenaskan wkwk tapi dia tetep kece jadi temen kita sealigus bagi para penggemarnya.. tau gak sih didepan mereka semua irfan layaknya Mr.Rius yang dengan sikapnyan dingin terhadap mereka.. tapi percaya deeeh dia itu cowok yang penuh kejutan...,

Yaaa inilah kita dengan karakter kita masing-masing :-)

Ini dibuat cynthia. Tapi pas part cynthia, aku yg buat, dan part yg aku yang buat cynthia

Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Holiday? Really?

First of all, i'd like to wish Merry Christmas 2012 and Happy New Year 2013! May God always bless us.

K, now we get into the main story. Oh terrible one i guess. This is holiday. Everybodys happy, without school, homework, tasks, and other tons of annoying stuffs. Yeah, vocation time, to refresh mind, look and buy some new stuffs, outfit, or else. It works for them, not me.

It's (time i make this) two of my holiday. And yeh, im stuck in da home. Some trips have been cancelled. Bali, Jogja, Surabaya, Solo. Dad got a new project, hes fuckin busy now. And mom, the same as charger, she controls some tasks in her office till new year. No time for spending holiday outside of town. Other time, ive planned some trip with my good fellas to TW and Solo. But its too far right now. I gotta wait.
Today, im thinkin a lot, how to change it, how to make myself being happy while im waiting for the days of holiday come. Many times i spend by online, watching movies, and something like that.

I feel boring with those usual activity tho. I need some new condition after all. But you guys gotta note this. After the December 31st and January 1st, dad invites to held a trip to surabaya. There, im gonna buy tons of stuffs i love. No matter how expensive, how many it will be, if i like, im gonna buy. I'd love to visit some good places at there and yes, its such a revenge. Hhahaha but its okay, dad said.

Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

Them who i know

As a normal person, i myself realize that we cant live alone. We do live with people. People, yes! All of us has people around. They came up with tons of different characters, behaves, acts, religion, race and etc.
Its been 17 years i live my life, i spend my time till now im in 2nd year of high school. I met a lot of people.
But now then gonna discuss they who are around me.

Cynthia :  she has grew up. Since the first time i knew her, in 7th grade at junior high. Shes my best best best friend always. She cares, a lot. She is lovely, she is smart. And of course she is beautiful. Cynthia always understands and sometimes she's willing to do a sacrifice. The last sentence i wrote, is the reason i love her.

Husna : This girl is a lot of talkative. She annoys me sometimes but i love her incredible thoughts too somehow. She got a damn flat nose for sure and surely it becomes a material as a joke in the class. I love her strength, shes not a powerless girl, she stands for what she wants. She keeps it till she got it no matter what Shes always there to accompany me, and she loves my logic thinking too tho. We met at 8th grade

Irfan : The first impression, I DENIED HIM. And, i never meant to be his friend. But i remember, things change. He has a got sense, i mean some of his are alike with mine. Politics, economics, nations, world, kind of stuffs like that. We met at 9th grade. He has a strong opinion, criticize person ive ever met, and hes just different from other teen in the age. Ive ever told him, i was curious bout his life, cuz i thought i deserved to be. He has a very good principle. But u have to notice, not all time we are good. Hes kinda selfish i think and lil bit jerk. I hear that from friends around anyway.

Dherta : U gotta know the fact, i was never that much close with her in the junior high. It seemed like "Oh You are dherta" "And You are Arfian" things like that. Just like what ive told, things change. Shes so damn much close with me now. We used to hanging out together with Cynthia and Irfan. Dherta is powerful and also powerless girl i think. Shes good at love, shes such a drama queen, the smartest one ive ever known. Shes helping me now, to stop my bad habbit to spend money with shopping. Shes good at giving advices too