Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Math!! Fuck Yess!!

Bloody hell! I will post a new entri about MATH in High School! Maybe, some of you (readers) has know, what a hard math in HS to understand! Yeaa I feel that too. I`m feeling hard, when the math comes. I dont know why. But, basicly, I dont like math so much since I was in elementary school.

But! The awakwrd part about math is.. I always get best mark of it. for example, in the National Examination ago, I got 9.75 for Math! what the fuck! It's good yeaa :)

After I know what math is, in High school. My hatred to math is increasing! I even dont know how to start doing the exercise. Im scared, if I get bad mark in the test later :(
How...!! God, help me to through it..

New, but SAD

Hey guys, so long we dont talk (anw we are talking ha?) Yaaa, now, I'd tell you about me and my new experience. If you wanna know, check this out ;)

Guys.. I`m spending my all day as 10 grade in X-D smada. Well, it kinda boring because, yaa I even dont get a bestfriend there. therefore, I`m feeling alone, lonely and seems like "what the fuck! This is Hell yaa!"

Not only that, I have 2 peoples who I hate so much! You know why? It because, emm they disturb my life and interfered my life. They even dont know me inside, but they are sooooo FUCK!
Because that, when the break time comes, I always spend it with my bestfriend and friend fromX-E. Usually with cynthia, uli, dherta, afin, tata, irfan, fatma. Yaa my JHS friends.

But I realize, it will never be soo looong. I have get my ablity to adaptation with them. with new classmates, new atmosphere and all new inside. Be Happy, Arfi!!

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

New day as new student in the new school

Tomorrow is MONDAY, July 11 2011. You know what does it mean? Yeaaaa, the vacation had been ended!! All students overall in my state (INDONESIA) are back to school, back to study, meet the teachers, friends, school stuffs.

And............ Me! I aint go to Kartini No. 4 anymore, but I will go to Biliton No. 24. Thats my new school, my HIGH SCHOOL :) Yes, Im a new student in there and I'll meet alot of new peoples, new stuffs, new atmosphere, and all new. The first day will be started with PRA-MOS activity. It means, ehmm school introducing. We shall know more about our new school ;)

And at that day, we shall know our new class and new class mate. I wish, I can get like 9C.
Enough to say for tomorrow, wish me luck in my new school, wish me can find alot of new good friends and I wish be better for everythin' .... AMIN :D

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Having fun :)

hey guys, the holidays will be up... and this is time to back to school, back to study. Prepare yourself, mental, books, pens, and alot of school stuffs :D be good student

and, I thought alot of ppls will makes the last holiday be fun. and so with me. I made my last holiday to be fun and unforgetable :) today, saturday July, 9th 2011 at 10.00 am, I went to grape with my friends.... :D
we are getting fun at there, took alot of photos, plays with the waterfall, and so muuch other

Naah the trip started in my home. Semua kumpul dirumahku jam 9 pagi. Tapi namanya juga anak INDONESIA, gak pernah ontime. Mereka janjian jam 9 tpi datang sampe jam 10 siang. Yaudah deh, akhirnya berangkat jam 10. Dan pesertanya...... Arfian, Tata, Rigel, Almas, Husna, Krisanti, Dian, Dimitri dan Tyo. Semua goncengan pakai motor, kecuali Dian ;)

Wuush gila, pemandangan di jalan emnuju Grape keren, bener-bener keren banget. Jalannya menaik ke atas, dan Tata bawa motornya dengan kencaaaaaaaangg!!
Pas sampai di Grape, kita malah terusin untuk menuju air terjun yang masih beberapa lagi ke atas Grape. Kita ngelewatin hutan yang rindang banget, pohonnya tinggi deh.

Pas sampe disana, alamak... jalannya turun banget, berbatu. Dan ada insiden :DD Husna, anak yg tidak terimaan, melabrak tukang parkir cz heran kok mahal banget parkirnya. Hadeh, akhirnya dijelasin sm tukange tpi tetep ae ngeyel -__-

Bener-bener, jalan menuju lokasi sangat MEMPERIHATINKAN!! Jalannya curam, rusak, gak terawat banget deh kayaknya -__-" Pas sampai di air terjun, yaa hawa sejuk banget. Air yang jatuh dari atas begitu bening dan bersih :) Suasana sejuk. Gak lupa dong, kita foto-foto :DD

Perjalanan menuju lokasi air terjun

Disitu kita mainan air, foto-foto, guyon, cekakakan, dll deh. Pokoknya sama 8B seru abis!!
Semua pada happy, sama pasangan masing2, wakaka. Sampe kita ketemu anak alay nggilani huek cuih gaya andika kangen band!! hahahay

Batu Cinta (Husna said)

Me with Rigel on the rock

big smile in the pool

Dirasa puas dan hari mulai siang, serta sektor tengah sudah tidak bisa diajak kompromi, kiat CABUT!

Naah ini, perjuangan yang dinanti! Kembali ke PUNCAK! Dengan mendaki. Oh My Bloody God! Eh eh ada ssuatu yg lucu waktu nyebrangi sungai.Tau gak? Tata kepleset, akhire nyemplung, wuiakakakakakakka GILA!!! Konyol abis!! Sampe diliatin banyak orang sekitar. Tata ngelawak ae, ahahayy

Dan uuuhh ahhh uuuhhh ahhh uuhh aaah.. tuk wa tuk wak tuk wa mendaki ke puncak yang melelahkan. Sampe, haju baru lempoh (RIGEL). Oh bloody hell!! Harus dikasih eksalator atau gak lift --" bener2 perjuangan keras deh untuk mencapai puncak.

Hyuk yaak, perjuangan!!

Dan semakin extreme saat................ Tata dengan puedenya gonceng aku naik motor ke atas, mana ngebut dan ada mobil dari depan..........Aaaaaaaaaaaaa GILA!! Pinggang remuk
Berterika pun tak dapat dihindari :o

Yeaaa berhasil :D

Sampe semuanya pada ngguyu, ngakak, karena ulahku dan Tata!! Hahahahayy :D
Habis itu, kita acara makan siang, makannya ke mie ayam jalan salak ;) Yummy, makan dengan lahab dan kenyang.

Hari itu selesai setelah makan siang :) Semua pulang dengan senang yey

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

SMADA, I'm coming :)

Hey guys, so long I dont post any entri nowadays, haha are you miss me, ha? Yes yess, I know, you are abseloutly miss me, hihi. Here, Im back. Back with a happy, wonderful, yes, story. Wanna know? Read this ONE!!

Since 1st of July till 4th of july, there is a PPDB (Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru) or we call that "Registration Day" when we are as student have to enrolled ourselves to our destination school. Each student has their own destination, and ME, I enrolled my self at the most favorite high school in my city, SMA Negeri 2 Madiun or we can call it, SMADA :)

I enrolled my self at the second day, I was so nervous. Because, too many students are enrolled too. Im fear, If I cant accepted at there :(
Well, I came at 1.00 PM in the aftnoon, there are very quite people at there. You know why? because the registration had been closed since 12.00 PM. But what a lucky I am!! I can still accepted to enrolled my self :) pretty nice

When I have done, I saw my position in 70th from 256 student in the list. Well since that, Im sooo muuuch sure that I'm a smada student since that :D hahaha
but, the registration day aint end yet. day by day come and go, and finally, I got my last position, in 75th :) yeaa not too bad

Yeaa thats my position, I was done, Im a SMADA STUDENT now...... :)) I cant believe yet!!
Too wonderful and amazing, awesome, fucking awesome :D